twisted willow
By Suey187
United Kingdom
i have had a twisted willow planted in heavy clay soil for the past four years.the last two years the new grow in sping as grown fine.after about a month the new growth starts to go brown and crispy and dies off.i would say 75% of the new growth as died.the willow as doubled in height since i had it ,its about twelve foot high now and about four foot across.i never water it.incase it gets water logged.any advice would be very welcomed
15 Sep, 2009
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Salix are also not really happy planted in a heavy clay soil. See if you can work some lighter organic matter into the top couple of inches of the soil and mulch well.
15 Sep, 2009
I wonder if it could be caterpillars there ?
I had one in a horribly clayey garden a few years ago and it did beautifully but it DID get caterpillars - badly ..... just a thought.
15 Sep, 2009
youve all been very helpful.thankyou.
15 Sep, 2009
Sorry about this moongrower, but I have to disagree with you - my books tell me that the opposite is true - Salix prefers a heavier soil, doesn't like light soil too much.
15 Sep, 2009
Hum I don't know about your books but they grow extremely well with us on our light soil. If you think about it they tend to grow in nature near water and the soil there is often alluvial silt.
15 Sep, 2009
True - except here, where I've never known such clay.... in certain parts of Ealing, anyway.
15 Sep, 2009
Ach well... the great thing is the plants can't read books :-)
15 Sep, 2009
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Sounds like it could be drought, though there are other more serious problems with Salix that it might be. I don't know how your weather's been there, but in London, we've had some rain, but nowhere near enough - the grass on the playing field opposite me is beginning to resemble the Sahara desert, except where they've used the sprinkler. So what I'm saying is, if you've not had much rain up there throughout the summer, or not often enough, the plant would react in this way. If that's not the case, then it could be something more serious - there are quite a few diseases and afflictions that affect Salix.
15 Sep, 2009