how can i revive my chrysanthemum which have gone dry?
By Bhaswati23
United Arab Emirates
i stay in UAE where the weather is very hot around 45-50degrees. Please help as i am confused as to keep them inside where there the ac is on full day or keep them outside where its hot!!!
15 Sep, 2009
They are a temperate zone plant, really, so its not surprising its suffering in all that heat. I agree with moongrower though, not sure whether it'd be better in the aircon inside (light reduced indoors). If you could give it enough light, it might do better inside.
15 Sep, 2009
My sense is that regardless it is not going to be a happy plant... are there not plants that like the heat in UAE that you could grow?
15 Sep, 2009
I have no idea which plants apart from cactus and palms(which are natural plants here) can be grown here, but i have seen beautiful gardens being maintained here though....i just have to permute and combine and learn eventually!!! as far as the chrysanthemums are concerned i have removed all dry leaves and cut them really short so that they grow anew...crossing my fingers nw!!!
16 Sep, 2009
Remember the beautiful gardens are probably maintained by almost constant watering whether drip feed or spray.
16 Sep, 2009
water is the answer to all gardening were you live, if you had enough money to set up the watering system , you to could have a golf corse with beutefull lawrns and gorges flowers, I new a chap that had a farm out were you live, and on my advice he had a row of laylandi planted as a wind brake I wonder how he got on.he also sent fertile eggs out to have chickens for the eggs, HE HAS A BUSNESS IN THE NORTHWEST OF eNGLAND AND STAYS IN THIS COUNTRY BECAUSE HE LOVES FISH SOMTHING HE CAN NOT GET AT HOME,
17 Sep, 2009
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You need to water regularly especially if they are outside, not sure whether they will be happier inside with the a.c. or out in the heat, they survive well in our climate in Scotland which does not bode well for UAE.
15 Sep, 2009