Rust On Fuchsia Leafs :(
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
What shall i do ??? Many Thanx Jac x

15 Sep, 2009
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Thanx 4 the Info Bamboo , Im just back from 13 days in Eygpt so yes Some where Very Nice thanx :)
15 Sep, 2009
Lovely blue water behind you, and you look very brown and healthy! That'll be nice and cheering to look at as the winter comes on.
15 Sep, 2009
Its The Pool Bamboo i love swimming so spent most of my time in it :) I thought itd make a nice pic 2 4 winter months 2 come :)
15 Sep, 2009
that's assuming the site is still busy during the winter - I joined in May, so don't know whether everyone just doesn't bother during the winter cos there's no gardening going on!
15 Sep, 2009
Were still about on GOY in winter Bamboo even more so i think cos theres nothing in garden 2 be done so we chat about what weve got planned ect 4 next year or just chat :)
15 Sep, 2009
Very jealous here...
we went to Egypt on our honeymoon
my tan is now fading and its blooim freezing today!!
x x x
15 Sep, 2009
Hi Mookins it was our 3rd year in Eygpt & iv been wearing a Scarf indoors 2 day cos im that cold lol :)
15 Sep, 2009
wow youmust be chilly hehe
x x x
15 Sep, 2009
Was 46 there & its only 15/16 here today :( Not used 2 our weather again yet Mookins lol :)
15 Sep, 2009
~Jacque you obviously had a great time~we will definitely feel cheered when it starts getting colder.
About fuchsias~one of our local fuchsia nurseries says he picks all the large leaves off ,continues to water etc and waits for the leaves to regrow making sure you dispose of the leaves safely~this is what I do as I don't like fungicides,pesticides etc~or you can try 1 pint of milk diluted with nine pints of water~spray the top and undersides of the leaves~someone else recommended Neem oil to ~me can be bought on ebay I think~is a natural antiseptic used in India as a pesticide and insecticide.
Rust is nasty but not the end of the world so don't throw your plants!
15 Sep, 2009
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You can buy a fungicide to treat rust to spray on. Dispose of all fallen leaves in a dustbin or burn them, though, and keep a close watch on the plants next year and spray as soon as you see any rust appearing.
Changed your avatar, I see - you been somewhere nice on holiday?;-)
15 Sep, 2009