Does Virginia Creeper damage rendered walls and does it get under roofing tiles?
By Tigdog
United Kingdom
Am thinking of growing it on my house.
16 Sep, 2009
I think it depends on what you mean by 'Virginia Creeper'. There are several species known by that name. If you plant a Parthenocissus henryana, it will not damage your house - it clings on with little pads and is fine - not over-vigorous. I have it on the wall of our stone house, and it is no problem at all.
16 Sep, 2009
Parthenocissus only damages house walls if the render, or the mortar, is flaky, old and in poor condition. It can, though, invade the guttering and will get into the loft if there is the smallest of gaps for it to get through.
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks All - I was delighted to receive 3 replies so quickly. Since my render is in vgc I am inclined to go ahead, so now need to choose a not-too-rampant species. Spritzhenry suggests Henryana - any other suggestions?
18 Sep, 2009
I wrote a blog on the ones I have - you could take a look, maybe?
18 Sep, 2009
Virginia creeper is a fast grower it will send out tendrils under loose bits of window,tiles or broken rendering. Once established it can be difficult to remove and then damage may occur. Needs regular pruning, some say it is too rampant for modern houses?
16 Sep, 2009