Red Cestrum
By Twiggytooo
United Kingdom
Hi All! Question on Red Cestrum. I have been told be numerous locals two different stories, the first is it can be planted outside & is full hardy, the second is that it should be kept in a pot & brought in over winter.
I live in Kent, England so temperatures range from 30+ in the height of summer, to - 5ish in the winter.
Any ideas?
Think it is the darker leaved version - though not having seen the other, I can't be certain! And I often have blonde moments!

17 Sep, 2009
Hi, I have Elegans planted outside and it is doing ok. The buds on my Cestrum Elegans look a bit more pink than the one shown in the picture, but Andrew really is the man to ask about things like this..
17 Sep, 2009
Hello Twiggy
We grow both Cestrums here, the common pink C elegans and the red hybrid of it and possibly C fasciculatum, C 'Newellii'. Both are hardy here because of our climate but I would say the C 'Newellii' is the hardiest of the two.
My C 'Newellii' has not done well this year for some reason and just earlier this week I dug it up, have cut it back and am still deciding what to do wth it.
17 Sep, 2009
There are two cestrums with red flowers. C. elegans (with mid green leaves) is not hardy and C. 'Newelii' (with dark green leaves) is hardy so it depends on which one you have
17 Sep, 2009