Fuschia gall mite
By Drc726
East Sussex,
We are asked by the British fuschia society 'to please be very vigilant wherever you live and report any suspected cases to your local DEFRA Plant Health Office' 'Further details of this pest can be found in the BFS leaflet no. 15 – “Fuchsia Gall Mite, Important Information” fuchsia@aindale.net'. As I wanted to increase my fuschia plants (I will not have that many perhaps 20) does anyone know if this is a real threat or a bit like
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks Mookins do you know how to tell if you have it?
18 Sep, 2009
If you read this link it tells you all about it with a picture
I check mine reguarly now would hate for this to happen
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
thanks Mookins
18 Sep, 2009
your welcome
have to keep this one in check!!
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
Eeek, that's horrible. I wonder if it's reached the Czech Republic?
18 Sep, 2009
apparently it started or was first found in Brazil so who knows... I hope not
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
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No its very true
have been reading about it recently
you are supposed to report it in your area, its bad news
x x x
18 Sep, 2009