A potted Gardenia
By Mad
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me please can I grow safely grow a Gardenia out in the garden. A friend brought a beautiful one in a pot, in bud and flowering. I see that flcrazy grows them outdoors, but that is in Carolina (I think). It is so beautiful. I wondered too whether it is an acid lover, 'cos it looks as though it is. There is a lovely picture of one on flcrazy's page.
On plant
Gardenia Jasminoides
18 Sep, 2009
There is a Gardenia called 'KleimsHardy' that will grow outside
19 Sep, 2009
Related photos
Related products
Gardenia Jasminoides
£19.00 at Burncoose -
Gardenia Jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy' (Gardenia)
£18.99 at Crocus
As far as I recall it doesn't like alkaline conditions so much, but it will die outside in the winter here in Britain - it's tender, so in a conservatory or somewhere for the winter.
18 Sep, 2009