Identify this flower
By Bichette
United Kingdom
Can someone please tell me what this is? I have 3 at home and would like to know if they flower more than once a year.

11 Aug, 2007
Yes its an Asiatic lily growing in our garden. It flowers during late May for about 10 days. If you grow lilies you need to watch out for Lily Beetles that will severely damage the plants. They are red beetles that eat the flowers and leaves.These pests are now spreading to most of the U.K
12 Aug, 2007
Thank you! :) Yes, I have them in pots by my kitchen window. They're doing great but sadly they flowered while I was on holiday! I'll just have to wait until next year! Thanks for your comments.
12 Aug, 2007
This looks like a lily - if it is, no it only flowers once, then not until next summer. Have you got them in pots? If so, continue to feed and water until the stems die back naturally, then keep frost free and dry until spring when you can start watering again to 'wake' them up!
11 Aug, 2007