Lonicera Emergency Prune
By Begoniafan
United Kingdom
I have pruned off some crazy strong low-down growth which was pointing in all the wrong directions near the plant base. Was I wrong to do this....? We were having visitors and I had to drastically tidy-up. The shoots I pruned off were approx two feet long....
25 May, 2008
i agree but give it some water (ha ha) if it dries out over the next six weeks!!
25 May, 2008
I chopped down an old straggly non-flowering one to the base last year and it PERSISTS in sending up healthy shoots - so don't worry about upsetting it!
25 May, 2008
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« I would love a camomile lawn The space I have is about 5' x5' however,!!!...
I dont think they mind being chopped. Mine is very vigorous.
25 May, 2008