Hi, I need some advise about miniture conifer trees please.
By Linda2
United Kingdom
They are not miniture anymore & I wonder if I can move them or will it kill them off. They vary between 3 & 5 ft & one is 7ft & when would be the best time of year to do it.
20 Sep, 2009
That is the snag with miniature conifers - eventually they grow into small trees and then big trees. I agree with the advice Bamboo has given you but wonder if you wouldn't be better off removing them and starting again. A 7ft conifer is going to have a considerable size of a root ball and, assuming it survives, will just keep on growing.
Out of interest which conifers are they Linda2?
20 Sep, 2009
There are such things as miniature conifers and those that grow about 1inch (3cms) per year are classed in this category. The majority of those sold in garden centers should be classed as slow growing, and this is just another example of miss information given to the general public about garden conifers
24 Sep, 2009
I agree Bluespruce - if anyone is considering buying a 'miniature' conifer check thoroughly first as to how big it will grow over time.
24 Sep, 2009
Spot on! Moon grower.
24 Sep, 2009
The 3 foot one should be ok to move, and you can have a bash with the others if you want, but try to make sure you keep an intact root ball and don't break any roots. I'd do it mid October I think, when the plants are fairly dormant.
20 Sep, 2009