do gladioli flower just 1 year
By Jimboandmary
United Kingdom
do u remove the bulbs or will they flower again next year
20 Sep, 2009
Agree with Bamboo, you are meant to lift but mostly they will overwinter fine in the ground unless very wet.
20 Sep, 2009
can u plant ostospernum now and nuersturtion seeds plus my lawn is a bit patchy due 2 weed killer any ideas
20 Sep, 2009
Osteospermums sometimes survive outdoors in a sheltered spot, but I wouldn't be planting them now deliberately. Nasturtiums, I'd wait till early spring, though I think you can put them out now, see what the packet says.
For the bald patches in the lawn, you need to scratch up the surface on the patches to make a fine tilth, level a bit and sprinkle grass seed now - unless your last application of weedkiller was less than six weeks ago.
20 Sep, 2009
can u plant sweet pea seeds outside now or not
20 Sep, 2009
You having a laugh - never a thanks, but just more questions!!! No, you can't, wait till next year
20 Sep, 2009
many thanks bamboo
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
what plants r easy care 4 pots troughs and hanging baskets over autumn and winter please and when u dead head pansies e.x.c. do you nip the whole head off or just the petals
20 Sep, 2009
Pansies - nip the whole head off, and try to take the stalk with it, to tidy the plant. If you leave the seedheads on, the plants stop flowering.
Other useful winter plants for troughs: Primulas, Primroses and Polyanthus, little evergreen trees or Euonymus, trailing ivy, wallflowers, small Skimmias, evergreen grasses like Carex and Festuca. Heucheras are good, too, and can be planted in the garden later!
If you go to your nearest Garden Centre, they often sell packs of plants too. Pop some small bulbs in underneath, as well, like Scillas, Iris reticulata, Narcissi (Tete a Tete) and Crocuses.
20 Sep, 2009
They will flower again next year, but in theory, you're supposed to lift, dry off and store them and replant next year. In practice, I leave them out and they mostly grow again - think it depends where you live and how wet it gets, cos they can rot in the soil if left in waterlogged ,sodden ground.
20 Sep, 2009