cherry tree beetle - how can l get rid of them
By Yroberts2
United Kingdom
l have a cherry tree which is about 6 years old and has always produced lots of fruit until this year. It seems to be infested with tiny black beetle type bugs which have eaten away at the leaves and therefore l had no fruit which was edible - the couple that did grow had tiny black spots on. is there a cure for next year?
24 Sep, 2009
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dont think that will work as being beetles they have probably laid eggs so they will be back - need something to kill them off but thanks anyway
25 Sep, 2009
go on google and ask for ' TFREC entomology bark beetles, this may help you
25 Sep, 2009
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I just got a cherry tree last spring and the same thing happened. I'm crossing my fingers that it will produce enough energy now with it's new leaves to survive the winter.
25 Sep, 2009