By Mona
My little brother is growing bread mold but will boric acid powder kill it?
P.S. I won't let him have my pots so he is growing mold instead so that he can keep it with my pots in the garden.
26 Nov, 2012
Am I the only one here who doesn't understand a word of the above. Is this a plant or are we just talking about mouldy bread and why would you use it in the garden?
26 Nov, 2012
Perhaps mona's little brother finds bread mould interesting, and it is a form of life which grows, after all. Seaburngirl could probably say one way or the other whether moulds are classed as flora or not - not sure they are, might come under the group which contains blue green algae and other forms of life.
26 Nov, 2012
26 Nov, 2012
it is a fungus so not flora nor fauna. Bt perhaps its a schol project. My daughter has grown it as part of a project before.
26 Nov, 2012
i love nature but i understand cammomile lol . is that what penacillen is made of ? . i know you eat it in blue cheese lol.
26 Nov, 2012
Not sure penicillin is in blue cheese, but if it is, that might explain why I'm now unable to eat it without an allergic reaction - ever since I became allergic to penicillin.
27 Nov, 2012
penicillin certainly comes from a fungus and you can find it in/on a range of foods. Some mould on cheese will contain penicillin, so yes that could explain your reaction bamboo.
27 Nov, 2012
Well that's a relief - when I suggested there was a connection at the GP's, he looked at me like I was totally mad... I still dream about eating Stilton and cambazola....
27 Nov, 2012
See i am usefull bamboo lol xx .
27 Nov, 2012
The doc will never Ever know you as well as you know yourself. in some ways anyway there not allways right as vets either . I normaly know whhat is wrong with me and my pets too come too think about it xx .
27 Nov, 2012
Hey thanks NP. You have just reminded me I have some blue cheese in the fridge (so you are useful). Yum. :-))
27 Nov, 2012
Erm, actually NP, I was talking to Seaburngirl,lol! Will you please not mention eating blue cheese Sarra - well, unless its that Danish stuff that smells like sick, which I never could abide.
27 Nov, 2012
WOW! My brother's little question about molds has led to great discoveries ;D
28 Nov, 2012
now I only like danish blue cant abide other blue cheeses. funny that isnt it.
28 Nov, 2012
i only like melted week chedder as i hate the texture as it comes . melted on toastwith some finley chopped ham and onion yum yum . better than pizza .
28 Nov, 2012
Try grilled Camembert with chopped onion. Sorry I know its a gardening site - I'm getting peckish.
28 Nov, 2012
Yea, I like toasted cheese, but it has to be strong cheddar, NP. Here's another little recipe for it if you fancy trying it - half a medium sized courgette ,one shallot or very, very small onion, and a lump of cheese (I used about 1.5 to 2 ozs, but you can use more if you like) - grate them all (I do it in the processor), toast bread one side, apply the mixture to the bread, toast gently and turn up a bit at the end. Absolutely scrummy and you get a bit of green veg too... does two slices of bread.
28 Nov, 2012
Tinned asparagus tips on wholemeal toast with cheese grilled on top. Just had homemade vegetable soup so no longer peckish!!
28 Nov, 2012
Blimey! Have I come to '' by accident. Anybody got any suggestions for a Christmas dinner with flavour? :o))
28 Nov, 2012
Yea - buy goose or duck, avoid turkey, make your own cranberry and plum sauce...
28 Nov, 2012
You should scroll back further than that then you'd understand lol I know when your talking to me thanks anyway lol. I'm a very good cook and can make a great full English or roast or fantastic bangers and mash with real fine chopped onion fried in butter and olive oil and made into it gravy . I'm a bangers and mash man. The most experrimentry food personal not lol. go to an old proper old fashioned butchers and get wing rib of beef on the bone. Yummy lol but if you must have a horrible turky cook it in silver paper breast down put a pound of streaky and a clove or two of garlic and sort and butter etc.
28 Nov, 2012
Right. Bangers and mash it is then. At least my Bank manager will love me. Seriously NP. I agree, turkey is the most boring meat on the market. I once had a fresh Norfolk bronze that wasn't too bad but once, in 70 years, no thank you. I do love beef rib though and Bamboo, we always have duck if we are alone for New Year or goose if the pagan hordes are coming.
28 Nov, 2012
Ah, well there you go then Sarra - can't teach an old dog new tricks, you already know. We're having goose at my son's this year, oooh, goodie...
29 Nov, 2012
Our Christmas lunch is still walking around our Friends' garden - he is a rather beautiful goose and is called Harry. I am learning not to get sentimental about foodstuffs while they are alive, but I understand our friends' reluctance to despatch him themselves. We have asked our lovely farmer neighbours if they will do it for us while we avert our eyes. He (Harry) has had (or is still enjoying, actually) a splendid existence, and will make an equally splendid roast. I am deeply unimpressed by turkey meat, too. It's really unfortunate you can't find cranberries or cranberry sauce on sale here, so it's as well that apple sauce goes down very well with roast goose. That and a lovely batch of sage, onion, ham, apricot and lemon zest stuffing. We tried a lovely piece of the famous Chianina beef one New Year, when we were entertaining and wanted to push the boat out, but it cost €90, so we decided that enough was enough. No meat is that good.
29 Nov, 2012
ow i can kill animals but dont know if i could kill an animal with a name . i used to slaughter pigs for about 4-5 years but i couldnt do that . im nearly a vegitarian now lol . i know it sounds hypocrytical but they couldnt hae names .i actualy killed a large chicken one xmas and did a fine job if i do say so in cooking it . i just couldnt eat it . i think i consider xmas now as a day to get over and do what i ant even if it was toast etc . on the other foot i wouldnt just eat turkey at xmas if i liked it as its reasnably priced . bring on the spring bar humbug lol x .
29 Nov, 2012
I'm already counting, Leigh - only 4 months to go before we can count on some decent weather! Hooray!
29 Nov, 2012
yippee gattina i hope you feal better all my love leigh xxxx .
30 Nov, 2012
Thank you, Leigh - yes, back in the land of the living again!
30 Nov, 2012
Cool I was there for you x x
30 Nov, 2012
;o) I know it!
1 Dec, 2012
yes it will.
all he needs to grow Mucor, the bread pin mould is to keep the bread warm and slightly damp. It grows all to readily in the last slices left in the bread bin at home.
26 Nov, 2012