By Isla
Can Begonias from plugs be saved till next year or are they 1year only,I am afraid I do not know what kind.
28 Nov, 2012
many thanks
28 Nov, 2012
Seaburngirl was hinting that some Begonia are grown from croms/tubers - large round brown things with roots at the bottom and a dip at the top where the stems come out. These can be lifted and stored till next spring. I put mine in the garage.
The other Begonias have fibrous roots as you lift them - these are annuals and cannot be kept.
28 Nov, 2012
Many thanks for your help I will just discard them.
28 Nov, 2012
My mind on this is the word PLUG, normally grown from seed/cutting, IF you want to grow begonia, buy tubers, over the years the tuber will grow making bigger plants =bigger flowers.
28 Nov, 2012
If you have a frost free place too keep them they may survive. I potted some up last year and kept them in a cold greenhouse, but i wrapped the pots in newspaper, and then covered them over with garden fleece. They all came through ok.
28 Nov, 2012
This type of begonia used to be grown as a house plant and would go on for years. But it does like to be kept growing and warm, so unless you have a heated greenhouse you will have a crowded windowsill! Chino's answer surprised me a bit , but as it worked that's great - no harm in trying that method..
28 Nov, 2012
many thanks
29 Nov, 2012
many thanks Isla
29 Nov, 2012
you dont say which begonia is. They can but need to be kept frost free and barely damp to avoid rot.
28 Nov, 2012