West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have a perennial that has pink flowers like witch hazel and has a very unusual smell ,almost like 'rhubarb and custard' chewy sweet.Thas long narrow leaves abit like a penstemon and flowers from July until late October.It stands about 3 foot tall.Can anyone tell me what it may be.Sorry no photos to show you.Thanks JACQUI
28 Nov, 2012
Monarda was what came to my mind too. Other names are bergamot or horsemint. Has a minty or oregano like aroma which can be quite noticable if planted in a large group and the leaves can be used for making tea with an Earl Grey like taste.
29 Nov, 2012
Thankyou.I have looked it up and it could well be Monarda.The only doubt i have is it has such a distinctive smell,totally different to anything else ive smelt,but did,nt at all resemble mint.i can only describe as a chew[sweet].I will take a photo next July.
29 Nov, 2012
Could it be Monarda ?
29 Nov, 2012