Can you help me identify this plant
By Johnpearce
United Kingdom
This plant is in the grounds of a bowls club near Brighton in South england. It is about two meters tall (six feet), we suspect that it is a import and have not seen any similar plants in this area. We would very much like to identify it as we would like to propagate it if possible as it is magnificent. Any help would be very much appreciated - thank you - John Pearce

26 May, 2008
Thank you for this. We have now looked this up on the WWW and I am sure you are spot on. Seems we have been lucky by having mild winters the last few years. Much appreciated - John
26 May, 2008
I am sure this is a plant found in the south west of UK and on the Channel Isles. They have been imported and I think they also grow in the Cannary Isles. I have seen them growing on the Isle of Arran as well but that Island has extremely mild climate due to the Gulf Stream that brings the better weather.
26 May, 2008
Previous question
It may be an echium (E.wildpretii has red flowers). This is a biennial or short-lived perennial but is not generally hardy in the UK. Propogate by sowing seed in summer
26 May, 2008