rose bush
By Trudy
United States
can they thrive in filtered sunlight under pine trees
26 May, 2008
Thank you..... I think I will move those roses today. What about azaleas? I did plant 8 bushes under this line of trees. I am hoping to have them eventually as a semi privacy fence.
27 May, 2008
Hi Trudy, Good thinking...azaleas or any rhodo will probably work well as they love acidity...make sure they get the water they need, though. and perhaps just to be sure you can confirm your soil pH with one of the little test kits they have at Home Depot or somesuch. I love this site, don't you? Good info and friendly folks.
27 May, 2008
Roses require full sun generally... and a slightly acid to neutral pH soil. Pine needles could make the soil you are planting them in too acid... it may also be difficult to dig under the trees.(tree roots) ( You will disturb the tree roots as well.) If you plan to dig 'pockets' that may work. You could remove the existant soil and replace it with composted top soil for your rose within the pocket. Trees are also very efficient at taking up water and you should be carefull to keep your transplants well watered. If it was up to me, I'd find another place for my roses since good ones are an investment you would not want to take chances with.
26 May, 2008