is this a chive?
By Lasonadora87
Buffalo, NY,
United States
this popped up in my garden. i think its a chive, but am not sure. does anyone know?

26 May, 2008
Welcome to GoY, by the way!
26 May, 2008
no its something like star of bethlehem ..very pretty ,very short lived as far as flowering but will multiply like mad and give you a good display . I have masses in a shady border and just leave them to it.
27 May, 2008
Well it looks like member of that family the Alliums but chives themselves are round headed purple flowers Does it smell oniony if you crush a leaf ?
28 May, 2008
Thank you all so much for the help!!
29 May, 2008
No!This is Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) and is toxic!! Do not let children or pets munch on this plant. I have it all over my yard & have had no problems with pets to date, but it is one of the toxic plants, definitely not to be eaten.
26 May, 2008