Please identify
By Chudmuskett
United Kingdom
Hi, I just wondered if anyone could identify this beautiful flower that has appeared in my front garden. Thank you.

2 Oct, 2009
It is either a surfinia or a petunia. Does it have a perfume?
2 Oct, 2009
Looks like a Surfinia....welcome to you Chudm......:>)
3 Oct, 2009
What a lovely one - welcome from me. as well!
3 Oct, 2009
Dottydaisy2> Hi there, unfortunately I cant get to it to smell it but from the responses I received it looks like it is a Petunia or Surfinia.
Thank you to everyone for your help.
3 Oct, 2009
tell me is surfinia a type petunia ,or are they the same thing,
3 Oct, 2009
A Surfinia 'is' a Petunia, it's a trailing one, their stems are several feet long.
Yours is a lovely colour :-)
3 Oct, 2009
Louise is right - the plant in the picture is a Petunia - whether its a surfinia variety is uncertain until you see its growth habit. I doubt it is a surfinia variety, though, because of its colour.
3 Oct, 2009
thanks' I had both this summer I put what I call ordnery along the back of my boxes whitch are on brackets on the wall of the house and bought trailing ones for the frunt, they have been a fabules show, and now the plants are dead but ther is still a profusion of flowers allthough I stoped wortering about ten days ago, I am wating to clear my boxes but the flowers are stil so lovley I havent the hart to pull them out.
3 Oct, 2009
You and me both, Cliffo - my balcony's still got a 3 foot drop of surfinia petunias hanging down, looking fab from a distance, though not so good from the balcony! Windy tonight though, spect it'll rip them to shreds...
3 Oct, 2009
good that means I can put them in the compo and prepair the boxes I have planted around 500 bulbs today , so after tomorrow I will have little to do untill my fruit tree and bushes arive next month ,ho'' I have just rememberd I have another hundred crocus to come yet, I wonder if the lady next door would like a little gift!!
3 Oct, 2009
Unfortunately, I've stopped planting crocus - just provides a feast for the damn squirrels, who dig them up almost as fast as I can plant them.
3 Oct, 2009
I don't seam to have the little darlings hear and yet I am deeper in to the country we have a couple of buserds that fly around may be they have something to do with it, I prefer the birds they are a grate site,
4 Oct, 2009
It looks like a petunia
4 Oct, 2009
or it could be surfinia
4 Oct, 2009
lol Cliffo
4 Oct, 2009
welcome chud I think its a Petunia?
2 Oct, 2009