By Mavisc52
United Kingdom
A n established plant no flowers this year now it has mildew?on its leaves .Do I cut it down or dig it out or just leave it. Thanks
5 Oct, 2009
Agree with Spritz - cut it down, leave in place for next year.
5 Oct, 2009
Same here, agree !
Mavis, some of mine have mildew on and i just cut off those leaves, they produce leaves like there's no tomorrow so it's not going to hurt :-))
5 Oct, 2009
Previous question
« here is a freecycle website in the area but they get 'picky' about asking...
I always 'tidy up' my Aquilegias, pulling off the dead leaves: and fresh ones grow in the spring anyway - so I would try cutting most of the leaf stales back to the base.
5 Oct, 2009