My honeysuckle has a problem
By Damsonlini
United Kingdom
My Ylow Flowering honeysuckle is about 4 yrs old. It was fit and healthy up to a few weeks ago.Now all the bottom leaves are drying up, with small grey patches they turn yellow & they fall off. i am worried that this may spread to the rest of my garden, as the honeysuckle stradles the fence. I seem to remember this happening last year. Can anyone help?
27 May, 2008
It does look like the type of damage caused by red spider mite. But I have not found no aphids! so I am confused.
27 May, 2008
Why not spray them with an insecticide and see if that helps.
28 May, 2008
Use Roseclear 3 it's about the best thing available in a garden centre. It also contains powerful anti-fungal agents.
29 May, 2008
Honeysuckle is prone to aphids - have you checked for these? That would make leaves drop.
27 May, 2008