By Howee74
United Kingdom
Is it normal for there to be so many caterpillars in my garden at this time of year??
8 Oct, 2009
You haven't filled in what area you live in but if you're in the south like me, there are plenty !
My gardens seem to have had loads this year.
They've ruined my Crinodendron :-((((
Had a good munch on an Eleagnus and tried their hand at a Viburnum too.
8 Oct, 2009
I live in Newcastle in the north east, ive identified caterpillars from Grey Dagger moths and Large White butterflies, also a small green one thats decimating my aquilegias. Repeatedly!
8 Oct, 2009
How annoying.
The ones here aren't touching the perennials, just those shrubs.
I see the small lime green ones on these, i squish them !
8 Oct, 2009
We've still got caterpillars in the brassicas... grr!
8 Oct, 2009
Does anyone know the butterfly/moth that produces the aquilegia loving caterpillars? They strip the leaves of ours every year.
8 Oct, 2009
on ours its a small green one - i tried looking it up but there are about 5 that look identical!
8 Oct, 2009
The ones on aquilega are likely to be aquilega sawfly,they are small and green and usually in large numbers. Sawfly can be a specific type depending on the plant.
I also found one dagger moth caterpillar on my climbing rose,I let him be because I'll be giving it a trim anyway.Next year is another matter lol !
8 Oct, 2009
Sawflies often have 3 generations per year, so you think they are gone and then you get another batch!
8 Oct, 2009
That's the one, Aster, thanks for the id.
8 Oct, 2009
whens the last batch|??
9 Oct, 2009
When it eventually gets to cold I guess
9 Oct, 2009
That's probably right MG.My book says there are 'several' generations between mid spring and early autumn.
9 Oct, 2009
Little beasties...found several nibbling at my newly sprouted aquilegia leaves, got them in time thankfully...will keep an eye out for them now....thanks guys and gals....:>)
9 Oct, 2009
by the looks of things they time it by how long it takes an aquilegia to grow its leaves back!
9 Oct, 2009
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we have had a summer that suites them, plenty of butterflys still around in the north west, and no dout moths.
8 Oct, 2009