what do i do about leaves on gladioli when i transfer them
By Mayflower
United Kingdom
sorry am useless on computer. and this website do not know what im doing but desperate to know what to do about moving glds and should i chop leaves off.
8 Oct, 2009
If you are in a mild-ish area, then you can move your gladioli to their new home now, but leave the leaves on - they'll give the corms some nutrition. Only remove them when they're dead and brittle.
I leave my gladioli in the soil, and they come through the winter with no problem. I have been know to move gladioli while in flower- when they turned out to be the 'wrong' colour for my scheme! They all survived....lol.
9 Oct, 2009
Glad I'm not the only one who's a computer beginner, If you could lift the Glds and store in a frost-free place then re-plant in Spring. Leave the leaves on until they drop off.
9 Oct, 2009