Are you interested in growing by the moon?
By Moon_grower
This isn't really a question :-) I've been asked to write an article of growing by the moon for a gardening mag. and wondered if any of you would be willing to read and comment on before I send it off... I have written articles before but not one of this length. It wont be finished until later today.
9 Oct, 2009
Moongrower have you checked if you you can publish it on here first? Might it up set your magazine if they have commissioned this piece?
9 Oct, 2009
Hi Drc I wont 'publish' on here I'll upload to a server and give you the code to download in a PM Mad. Still writing it at present :-)
9 Oct, 2009
haveing frends that are in to rakie ,I would love to read it,
9 Oct, 2009
okay - still writing at present. Easiest would be if you all PM me with your e-mail addresses. Just remember PLEASE do not let anyone else read the article!
9 Oct, 2009
This has nothing to do with gardening but am very interested in the effects of the moon.
I suffer with migraine and my friend is convinced that the attacks are worse around the time of a full moon. Do you think this may be so or just coincidental?
I waver from "oh yes" to "not sure"
9 Oct, 2009
I find eating certain foods and bright lights can bring on migraine and also found studying use to.
9 Oct, 2009
HI,MG I would definitely be interested in reading it. I did go onto your website yesterday to find out more
9 Oct, 2009
Well I'm still writing... 2000 words is a lot AND Mr MB reminded me we had a local gardening club talk to go to! Interesting guy grows show veggies... no my cup of tea but each to their own. So given that my brain turns to cream cheese around 9pm I will not finish now until tomorrow.
9 Oct, 2009
Sorry folks I have been asked not to let you see this before it is published. I can see the publishers point of view so... I promise I'll let folk's know when the mag. is in print.
11 Oct, 2009
I used to suffer a grate deal with migraine when I was younger 'but I had a very responsable job of a union secretary of a large branch,' and was on the arear and reganal commites, but when I packed it up I have never had migraine since, I think it is to do with presure not the moon,
11 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that Cliffo, I hear what you'r saying and in my working days that may have been the case, but I haven't worked for a few years and yet still get them, tho' not so severe. My friend has this theory that the moon influences the tides, and some people believe the growth of plants so maybe , just maybe it may have some influence over us,---------- who knows !! just a thought!
12 Oct, 2009
Hi Valadel yes the moon influences us and how we feel... there is a very good reason that insane folk used to be described a lunatics!
12 Oct, 2009
Moongrower, so thats why my neighbours call me the "mad" cat woman!!! LOL.
12 Oct, 2009
My father used to describe me as The wild wild one who walked by herself in the wild wild wood... He was right and yet I have been happily married for nearly 40 years.
12 Oct, 2009
MG you should have been named Marter, then your husband could have sung your song to you, I am well awer that the moon governs tide's Valadel'and on a full moon they lock me in,but I have an open minde to the other things and am intrested, hope your old frend migraine takes a longe longe trip soon.Valadel,
12 Oct, 2009
Marter Cliffo?
13 Oct, 2009
marter rambleing rose of the wild wood' marter with your fragrance devine , rose bud on the day I first saw you ' you must rember it,
13 Oct, 2009
don't think I've ever heard of Cliffo. I tihnk I'm rather more the 'witch of the wood' lol
13 Oct, 2009
if I am ever up your way I will sing it to you but I am a baratone and it is a song for a tenner ,but being Welsh I will get away with it. it is a lovly song may be you could ask around amoung your more senior frends.
13 Oct, 2009
I look forward to that Cliffo
13 Oct, 2009
I remember it Cliffo!!!
My mother used to sing it ! (well thats my story!)
13 Oct, 2009
Yes please, but how will I see it?
9 Oct, 2009