How do I care for these succulents?
By Bernieh
Queensland, Australia,
These have just been given to me ... never had succulents before and I need some advice about how to look after them now.
The two in front look like they're in distress ... that's my guess from the discolouring.
If anyone can I.D. these ... that would be great as well.

10 Oct, 2009
Is it just me or do they all look a bit sad and sorry for themselves?
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks Fractal - I will look up those names.
10 Oct, 2009
Yes Moon grower - they are looking a bit sad. The old lady who gave them to me had started cleaning out her hubbie's greenhouse ... her family members took the 'better' specimens but she just couldn't throw these away, so asked if I would take them.
As I've never grown succulents before I am looking for some help on the best thing to do for them now as I'm sure she will be checking on them.
10 Oct, 2009
Succulents are some of the easiest house plants to keep. Not sure Fractal is right with his kalanchoe i.d.
10 Oct, 2009
Half strength plant food every two weeks during the growing season.
10 Oct, 2009
Just thought the back one looked a bit like this Kalanchoe...
10 Oct, 2009
Damn Fractal I was looking at the wrong plant! You are probably right :-)
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks Fractal - checked out the photo and it sure does look the same. It's kalanchoe serrata.
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks Stjohntongue - we're in mid-spring now and it looks like they need a good feed. Ta!
10 Oct, 2009
The two at the from look like Cereus cacti though as to which species. The lack of multiple expansion ribs suggests that they may be of the rainforest type rather than the desert type. The back one looks to be an Echeveria. The top right one is harder but still looks to be related to the Echeveria, possibly a Kalanchoe?
10 Oct, 2009