how to grow belladonas inside
By Hunterjlmh
I have just bought six bulbs and would like to have them in flower about xmas time.
11 Oct, 2009
Ah, this is the Amaryllis belladonna. I got confused for a moment (senility creeping in:-( !!. I was thinking of the Madonna Lily....silly me.
You should be ok I guess for time then. Plant the bulb in any multi purpose and water well letting just dry off between each watering. 20 degree average room temp. Not sure about fine tuning them to flower at Christmas but hopefully should be near.
11 Oct, 2009
i did the same fractal then realised it must be the amaryllis. but you posted before me. i think i should be out gardening not on here but got to do housework:o)
11 Oct, 2009
Ditto, sunny and lovely up here if a bit cool but could garden. Housework though :-( ...........
11 Oct, 2009
Think you've missed the boat for Amaryllis Belladonna....they flower in the summer and rest in the winter....I have had a couple of these bulbs for a few years, in the conservatory and nothing has happened...apart from leaves. think they are too juvenile to flower yet..Think you should have bought a hippeastrum for flowering at Chr......
11 Oct, 2009
Not sure you have enough time? 9 weeks is it now to Christmas.....
Never grown Lilies out of season. I am just wondering if they rely heavily on day length to grow properly? Should be an interesting experiment if nothing else. Keep us posted.
11 Oct, 2009