Crinodendron Stripped Of Leaves.
By Louise1
United Kingdom
I planted this plant 3 years ago and has been a perfect specimen until recently.
About 2 or 3 months ago its leaves had caterpillars on and a lot of damage too so i sprayed with an insecticide a few times but not enough, clearly.
It is now almost totally devoid of leaves bar a few new ones at the end of some of the branches and i was wondering if i could cut it right back (losing next years flowers probably) ?
Would cutting into this old wood kill it ?
I'm thinking that even if it does it's not looking much better than dead wood now so there won't be much in it !
Any thoughts ?
On plant
Crinodendron hookerianum
12 Oct, 2009
Well that's surprising ! You certainly have given me hope Moon Grower, i'll leave it and see what happens, thanks :-))
12 Oct, 2009
scrape the bark away gently in a couple of spots on the little branches. If it is green underneath it is still alive.
12 Oct, 2009
I hope it recovers, Louise!
12 Oct, 2009
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Hi Louise I'd leave it alone. At the beginning of the year we had a heavy frost which lasted for a month in the area of our garden that does not get direct sun in winter. Every last leaf fell of the Crinodendron and it looked pretty much dead. It is now in full leaf and flowering away happily again.
12 Oct, 2009