we are creating a 'sea'garden on our Green and would like to include eryngium maritimum. where can we buy these plants?
By Ramsgaterose
United Kingdom
We are Friends of The Green, Nelson Crescent,Ramsgate and have taken over the council run garden facing the sea. We have problems with strong cold winds which dry the soil.So far we have established some grasses.
On plant
Eryngium maritimum

12 Oct, 2009
Hi Ramsgaterose and welcome you can buy plants from Arne Herbs Nursery http://www.arneherbs.co.uk/find/eryngium.asp
Good luck with the garden bed - at least the Eryngium isn't going to get vandalised!
12 Oct, 2009
you can also get seeds to grow on.
12 Oct, 2009
I know Ramsgate a little bit and I like the garden centre that is just a little way past Quex House - unfortunately I don't remember the name of it. Whether they will have what you want in stock next year is another matter, but I thought the plants were good quality.
13 Oct, 2009
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Eryngium Planum
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I'd imagine you can buy this plant next spring, but probably not now, in most garden centres. However, I just want to add that, despite the name 'maritimum' obviously being why you want this one for your sea garden, can I suggest you use, say Eryngium planum instead? the 'maritimum' variety is quite shortlived, whereas 'planum' will last for years - they all like the same conditions anyway. They are also much more readily available.
12 Oct, 2009