Elleme's Profile

About me
I'm in London, gardening in an unedifying mix of clay and builder's rubble on top of an old brownfield site. The garden is only 25ft long but I have a tendency to cram it as full of plants as possible. It was my first real garden with actual soil in it (however dodgy) after previously owning a house which had a minuscule patio, so all I knew about in the past was container gardening.
After a decade and a ridiculously steep learning curve I am completely hooked - I would hate to be without a little patch to call my own. My garden is my refuge and I can spend hours out there, whether I'm pottering around or just sitting with a cup of tea and a book.
My particular areas of interest include culinary herbs, planting for wildlife and the challenges of urban/small space gardening.
Over the last couple of years I've been getting increasingly interested in growing fruit and veg.
The avatar pic is of my new cat. It remains to be seen how keen she will be on gardening although I'm sure she will enjoy the usual cat tasks of rolling around on the garden path, basking in the greenhouse and lying in wait under bushes...
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Joined in Aug 2008
Country: England
County: Greater London