killing trees
By Abby_jean
United Kingdom
Hi all. I have a massive tree in the garden and I wanted to kill it. I have heard that copper nails at the base of the tree could be effective. Also I have seen tree killer in the likes of Wilkinson's. Can anyone tell me where I can get some copper nails or what is the best tree killer around.
17 Oct, 2009
if you could kill the tree it would still have to be cut down' and that is verry daingerious because no one can predict which way a dead tree will fall, I used to be quit good at felling trees were I wanted them, but when it came to a dead tree I needed roaps on it to try and make it fall were I wanted, and a heavy tree could still surprise you.
17 Oct, 2009
It would be best to have the tree taken down to a stump and pay someone to remove the stump and roots; or, have it taken down to a stump and treat the stump with a brushwood killer like SBK. I have a blog on tree stump treatments, it's short, but tells you exactly what to do, click on my avatar, select blogs on my home page and pick the right one - there's only 7 to choose from.
17 Oct, 2009
Im afraid everyone who has commented is right, there's no easy way Abby jean.. We had our Tree cut down by a Tree Surgeon this year, Cost us £200 but he took everything away and we thought it was a great price.. If you poison the Tree and it Topples over causing injury to someone or Damage to neighbours property, Your Liable! So i recommend you phone around and get estimates..
17 Oct, 2009
Absolutely correct to all the above.....and just before you do - remember to check that the tree does not have a preservation order on it! Go to the local Council Offices and check up - before you do anything else....if it has had a certificate slapped on it - you will have to have a VERY good reason to take the tree down....or you could be fined heavily....we are 2000quid in this neck of the woods ..EEEK!
17 Oct, 2009
i was just thinking that alzheimer. If you deliberately damage a tree that has a preservation order you will face a fine of £2000 plus. even if it is in your garden.
what tree is it out of curiosity?
17 Oct, 2009
Great minds eh SBG !!!
I've had SO many problems here I caution everybody to CHECK FIRST before even considering getting estimates. I'm in a Conservation area - say no
17 Oct, 2009
im not, just got lots of mature trees in the boundary has a beech 150yrs old. its on the land deeds for 1902 as a boundary tree.
17 Oct, 2009
Oh blimey - no wonder your tree is preserved. My ones were planted by my family in our life time and they STILL got flamin' PO's on them! One famously was planted by our younger daughter - it was a table model Xmas tree (sorry - I know this is a xmas free zone ha ha !) That Sitka Spruce is now some 80+ feet high and I lie awake in the gales waiting for it to fall.....I even got an arborist to come and see it - and he commented that it was the healthiest specimen he had seen outside a forest!!!!!! The other BIG one is a eucalyptus I planted back in the late 70's and it too is about the same height.
17 Oct, 2009
I have heard about the copper nail theory as well although I have never tried it. If your tree is massive I think copper nails would take a lot of time to do their worst. Even then to have to chop up the tree, burn it or get it taken away. If you have the budget it may be worth getting a tree surgeon to cut it down and have the roots ground out.
17 Oct, 2009