What do GOY members think of the new Gardeners World format?
Isle of Wight,
United Kingdom
I have just commented on a thread which was reminding us to watch Gardeners World on 16th October. Looking at some of the comments, I thought it might be a good idea to get our general thoughts as one of the top gardening websites on the new format.
17 Oct, 2009
Hmmm, I'm not too keen since it changed really. I really like Toby Buckland (possibly a bit too much according to my husband!!) although I'm not a fan of Alys Fowler, especially when she gets a bit over organic ie the week she rubbed a teracotta pot with s*** to attact all the flies!
I think in general the programme is too short, and I don't think I've been getting as much information as I used to. Having said that, to be fair, I am not a Veg grower, and since they began the Dig In campaign, that has been the main thing hasn't it? I still enjoy it though, and think Carol Klein's garden has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Looking forward to seeing what others think!
17 Oct, 2009
I think it's dire.
The presenters don't have the charisma for the show. (Except for Carol and i 'do' like her, i used to not like her exuberance but she grew on me !)
The content has been dumbed down and i believe that even new gardeners don't learn as much now as in previous times.
And, i no longer watch it :-(
I've watched it for years and it used to be my favourite gardening programme but i only watched a few episodes of this new format because i find it's just so cringe-worthy.
This is just 'my' opinion :-/
17 Oct, 2009
I agree with Alzheimer and would like to add east of offers dyke.
17 Oct, 2009
Well, I love Carol, she is always so enthusiastic and it's totally infectious. I really miss her presenting the show. She is the reason I got so into gardening. Joe is also great, he feels like "your mate" he explains things fully and you learn from him. I'm sorry to say I just don't think Alys is right for the programme and Toby..... well, I feel he has a slight supercilious attitude and I detect a frostiness between him and Joe, however I do think his tips and tricks are very helpful.
Bring back the line up of Monty, Carol and Joe, I say!
The show could be longer, but, I wish they wouldn't waste so much time "visiting" places, they should just concentrate on being in the garden.
17 Oct, 2009
What is offers dyke Cliffo ?
17 Oct, 2009
the dyke the romans constructed to stop those nasty little welsh men coming to deaver (Chester) and giveing them a good hiding, I now live to the east of it and longe for the hills, while I guard the bridge betwen farndon and holt, England and Wales to keep the Welsh out,there is is enough of us allready.
17 Oct, 2009
A Bit like Hadrian's Wall eh Cliffo??!!
Know the feeling and glad I am a MONGREL - TG....so can't be accused of being racist!!!!!
17 Oct, 2009
I rather like mongrels Alzheimer !!!
17 Oct, 2009
Sailing close to the wind there Cliffo
17 Oct, 2009
Yes I guess all us "outwith the pail " are risking our lives!!! LOL
I might as well jump in with both feet....I can't stand Carol Klein..eeek I can hear you all already rushing to her defence! She really is way OTT and her hair I guess is meant to match the seasons or some such! Don't get me wrong - I LOVE her plants and what she does with them she is about the most knowledgeable one on the prog these days I know - but her manner puts me right off and I "fast forward" when she pops up!
I am too long in the tooth to enjoy the young things that present nowadays and personally preferred dear Monty Don and of course Alan T...now THEY were presenters who were truly down to earth...and didn't mind getting their hands dirty in the name of good communications.... definitely my kind of men!
17 Oct, 2009
I don't watch it any more, I'm afraid, drives me bonkers now - don't like Toby much, find him a bit whiney and irritating, Alice, well, got no patience with her at all, don't mind some of her info, but she's so fey it does my head in. Carol's great, but I do feel there's less info than there used to be and it is a bit sort of butterfly like in that it flits from thing to thing. Give me alan titchmarsh any day - full of info, simple to understand, enthusiastic, good at demystifying gardening, and a good approach. But that's just my personal opinion!
17 Oct, 2009
I have allways found mongrels very intelagent 'not realy Louise the bridge bit is a local joke, as there are a lot of welsh people her, Chester up until recently kept up the tredition of closeing the gate in the wall at ten each night to keep welsh men out, and in bygon days any welsh man caught with in the walls after ten was put to death, I think that was because the wemen preferd welsh lovers, like today. LOL
17 Oct, 2009
Ooooh controversial Alzheimer!!! Not like Carol Klein!!? I have to admit, I don't really like her, but I like her knowledge and her garden!
I think Toby has a very academic botanic background and I like the sort of science behind why things grow etc, which is probably why I like him. I can understand why he's not as popular as some of the previous presenters though.
I'm going to say something controversial now....I can't stand Joe Swift!! I dislike him more than Alys - which is why I didn't say anything in my earlier post! All that cheeky, chirpey, cock-er-nee chappy stuff drives me insane...grrr...especially when you find out his background which is as far from cockney as you can get!!
What other programmes are there?? I would love to find one that I can watch without having to switch off everytime Alys or Joe come on - any recommendations??
17 Oct, 2009
Cock-er-nee? That's not cockney, that's just a general Thames estuary - if you want to hear a cockney, you need to hear me.... sarf eas lunnon mate;-)))
17 Oct, 2009
Must admit I always put it on the planner now and wizz through to the parts where they actually show plants.
I prefer Joe and Carol to Alys and Toby.
I agree with most that they flit around too much in other places. Surely there is enough subject matter for there to be another programme about these.
17 Oct, 2009
Cliffo, that's a fascinating tradition and history with the gate :-))
17 Oct, 2009
not keen on any of them really. like the plants in carol's garden but not keen on her at all. Met her once and she was off hand, perhaps having a bad day. it must be difficult being cheery all the time. the problem i find with the new place is just tha,t it was totally new. i have a garden that i have taken over and is established.
met joe swift at heligan. he was there with his dad, the actor who plays hyacinth buckets husband. He spoke to my girls [very little at the time] and was charming. just not keen on the way he presents the programme.
17 Oct, 2009
Controversial - sure - that's me Muddywellie...guilty as charged HA HA !! And I too record the prog and whip through the bits and folk I can do without! Our Beechgrove Garden is much more down to earth but I have even outgrown it recently - although the presenters are far less condescending than the GW lot are.
ARE there any other TV gardening progs. I never have time to listen to the radio ones - although I am advised they are far better than the TV ones....any comment folks?
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Seaburngirl.....presumably Carol Klein was having a "bad hair day" LOL !!! Seriously though I have heard before that she can be very snotty. She was at the Chelsea Show and was very off hand with two different lots of people that I knew were there...they were really disappointed in her....having liked her on the prog. etc.previously.
Dear old Geoff Hamilton....we never really got over losing him did we...although Alan T did his best and I still feel he was hard done by.
17 Oct, 2009
yes me too. i think AT really understood his stuff and was able to pass on info at all levels.
17 Oct, 2009
Louise' there is a storie which is proberly true that a leagonair with his men was marching down a vally in Wales when he saw a cave half way up the hill, and a little welsh man standing shouting insults at them, so he sent two of his bigest men to sort him out, there was a lot of banging and curseing then the welsh man appeard agine and he shouted I thort you could fight, so the leagonair sent a dozen men up and the same thing happend so he said we will all go up just then one of his men crawled to the edge of the cave all batterd and bleading and shouted don't come up sir it's trap' there are two of them.
17 Oct, 2009
Oh Cliffo - you are an old rogue, right enough....and I bet you have been told that before too!!!
We have roughly the same story up here in Scotland between various Clans in the glens up in the mountains!!
17 Oct, 2009
No it isn't what it used to be (oh that does sound oldie, but then I am). I do like Carol a lot, and feel a bit sorry for Toby - well Monty was a hard act to follow. Another all time great in my book was Geoff Hamilton, but don't mention Titchmarsh to me. He was all about Titchmarsh and always is.
To try to be fair to Toby, he does now and then give a useful tip, but his 30 minute thing is a bit stupid in my opinion.
Another thing which drives me mad is the irrelvant 'background' music which sometimes makes it difficult to hear what they're saying. Its happening on most programmes and completely unnecessary.
I think Joe is ok, don't care much for Alice. I do like the chap from Harlow Carr. I'm sorry that some folk feel left out though, the Northerners. I'm not sure why.
17 Oct, 2009
When I started gardening I watched it and for many years. But now I find its too trendy and poor in content, for me it lacks the feel of true gardening. I think its gone the way of 'Top Gear' - the presenters are what matters now not the topic. Last night I watched it(only because it had been mentioned on here) try burying a dustbin in my clay what a joke! I like the pumpkin visit though. Its had its day as far as I'm concerned.
17 Oct, 2009
I think they leave us out, Mad because there are probably very few of us that watch the prog by comparison - so they are not obliged to appeal to us!! I fully realise that there more of you down in England to whom the prog is more geared but I feel the BBC should cater for us "fringe licence payers"..... now then - that will have really put the cat among the pigeons!!!
17 Oct, 2009
I used to watch it, but no longer, as I find it too 'bitty' now. Such a shame. We need a really good gardening programme with time for projects/procedures to be shown clearly.
I do moan about the names of plants not being shown for long, as well. If you wanted to make a note of one - hard luck! Gone!
17 Oct, 2009
LOL Bamboo - I thought you lived in posh West London though? Don't you all "speak propa" there, unlike the "Sarf-East"?! Whatever you call Joe's accent and way of talking - its just bloomin' annoying! Didn't anyone else see Alys rubbing muck all over the terracotta pot?? I thought is was an April Fool - even Toby gave her a strange sideways look!
17 Oct, 2009
I agree Spritz, too bitty, not enough information or content and the presenters are less than inspiring. I have watched it religiously from Percy - Toby and I'm only 39! I think I'm going to give it a miss from now on, if they want to attract more watchers they have lost the plot as far as I'm concerned. The OB's are ok, but there are too many in one show. The updates on work they have done is non-existant so people cannot see the seasonal changes. Maybe as the garden gets more mature they will do that. Half of the program last nigjht was spent digging a huge hole to put a bin in that only stored very few potatoes, and teh hog was pointless, time consuming and took up too much room for the average garden these days, plus rabbits would have a party in your garden!!
Not too sure about Alys, I think she is a trendy hippy because she can afford to make people think she is, but I bet she leaves all her lights on and has a deep bath every night!!! Joe is full of charisma but he is not utilised enough on the new format, Toby is totally uninspiring and Carol is likeable on the box and has some fantastic planting at Glebe Cottage. Spritz is right about the names of plants popping up and disappearing, I tend to watch it on BBC Iplayer afterwards if I miss anything I take a liking to - which isn't very often. Gone down hill in my opinion :( shame really, it's got to be one of the BBC's longest running programs
17 Oct, 2009
don't you realise that if they made a program at your level, then it would be above the heads of people just starting out ' you do not need the program as it is,Perce was about your level, not even Allen came up to him so you will never be satisfide with the program or the presenters, unles some one like Harry Weatcroft takes over and produces somthing for the more experanced gardners, ,or Bamboo' although it will be above my head then,
17 Oct, 2009
No, no, no, you are wrong in my opinion. I am not at any level in gardening, I have learned by experience and watching garden programs. When I was off work sick I used to channel into GardenTV on Virgin media!! As I have watched over the years most of the programs have been consistently good, interesting to beginners and old farts!! Monty only stopped about a year ago but he had a stroke so had to give it up,he was very good. I was crossing my fingers someone like Chris Beardshaw would take over but sadly not. But I really feel they haven't utilised the different skills of the presenters equally. Joe with his design is rarely given an opportunity to show his skills. Alys is over exposed in the TV sense thankfully with totally random and wierd ideas, the whole format doesn't gel, not all bad though.
17 Oct, 2009
totally agree since AT and dear old geoff its been 'dumbed down' out of existence!
don't start me ranting about programmes, GW used to be by gardeners FOR gardeners-- not sure who its for now!
17 Oct, 2009
Alzheimer how do mean AT was hard done by? He's hardly that, he has a finger in every pie these days and has a pushy agent. He has that chat show somewhere, writes in magazines, models knitwear and even presents the Proms when they have something a bit down-market (Oh I really am showing my colours now) on. He obviously didn't want GW anymore
I too am disappointed with it though and often give it a miss these days. As for Alys - better shut up now!
If I do watch it in Bonnie Scotland I'll try to detect a bias.
17 Oct, 2009
no way am I going to fall out over this I have enough people after my blood, so Andrea I retract what I said, but with me there is allways a but' you say that you are not at any level' what you have learned by experance puts you at a level , and what some presenters do not understand is that theoretical is not equal to prictis
17 Oct, 2009
Just comparing it to a long standing format and other gardening programs. Not after your blood at all
17 Oct, 2009
mad you didn't mention his novels-- I 've read a couple and think he should stick to gardening much as I enjoy watching him present 'chelsea'!
17 Oct, 2009
Right, my turn to have a rant.
Geoff Hamilton was the best and can never be bettered.
Alan T was a journalist who had a background in gardening. He was very good at communication but all professional gardeners I have come across don't like him. On a personal level, I don't like him because he promised something to our Club and then failed to deliver on more than one occasion
Monty I could not warm to but didn't dislike either
Ditto Toby although I DO like his "thirty minute job" slot - shows what you can achieve even in a short time
Joe I detest - totally phoney and as for his allotment with triangular beds - PER-LEASE
Carol I like, just wish she wasn't so manic at times. I have met her and found her charming and helpful
Alys I quite like too. Being a younger presenter, I think she might appeal to younger people just starting out on gardening.
There's quite a bias on veg and fruit just now but I guess with allotments being the 'in' thing, that's where they have to go.
And I like the visits to other gardens and nurseries - always enjoy seeing other plots and getting insider info from specialist plant sellers
17 Oct, 2009
Thank goodness - someone else who doesn't like Joe - I thought I was all alone in my irritation!
17 Oct, 2009
Muddywellie, I've lived in West London for nigh on 30 years now, but I've never lost my accent - started out in the south east of London. I'm told its a lot tamer than it was, but will be revived instantly if I watch Eastenders....
17 Oct, 2009
I rarely watch GW now which is not because of the new team and format. I went off it under the reign of Monty Don and never properly returned. Have watched it a few times but I'm with you Alzheimer, Carol Klein is a real turn off (literally), although I have no problem with the other presenters.
I did enjoy the programme with Alan Titchmarsh, much to my surprise. Since I am no longer interested in the current trend for growing veg, I find there is often not much to interest me regardless of presenters and usually fall asleep when I do watch!
I think Cliffo does have a point about the 'level' of gardening. As we get older we pick up knowledge so don't need to be shown the same things as a beginner. No programme can be all things to all men.
17 Oct, 2009
When Alan Titchmarsh was High Sherrif on the Isle of Wight where I live he did a lot for the local community, he also has a house here. He is frequently at the Botanical Gardens as he was at Kew Gardens with the current curator and has supported the healthy eating campaign at our local school. I think it's a shame he gave up the gloves and jumped on the bandwagon presenting vacuous television in the afternoons, but that is where the journalism comes in. I just can't relate or find the new lot interesting and I am young at 39!! I have picked up much of what I know from GW, but not at the moment.
17 Oct, 2009
Chris Beardshaw, Rachel De Thame and Cleve West would be my choice, if nothing else, they are all better looking!!!!!!!! and love their plants!
17 Oct, 2009
Have just tuned back in here and enjoyed all the comments. It has been a fascinating blog right enough - and fairly got you all going!! I agree that Alan T was not every body's favourite but the story we got up here was that he was shoved out by the dear old Aunty Beeb...and not that he had hung up his trowel voluntarily!
Maybe we got it wrong in the backwoods up here? I sure agree he should NEVER have been allowed to write a novel....OMG - they are awful.
He should stick to writing gardening columns if he must write and even they have gone off the boil recently! We really do need a couple of new progs...one for people with newer gardens or the younger newby types who want to learn how to plant a rose for example or make a new lawn etc. And another for plantaholics or more mature gardens - where perhaps new ideas could be trialed etc. Then we could have a choice - and watch what we needed as and when.
17 Oct, 2009
Andrea - thanks for asking the question. I really enjoyed the enthusiasm of Monty Don. To be honest he's the guy that got me interested in gardening. Toby is simply a poor copy of him. Joe Swift brings a trendy dimension to gardening while Carol too, is full of enthusiasm. Alan Titchmarsh was sooooooo informative, and seems to be a good bloke. My dad met him recently at Cowes and knew that he 'knew' him, but couldnt think of his name. Alan ended up shaking my dads hand and introducing himself.. How lovely. I just love watching enthusiastic gardeners like Carol, Joe, Monty, Alan and.....Christine. I too agree that GW has lost its sparkle a bit. Also I AM FED UP with it being rescheduled due to sporting events.
17 Oct, 2009
Hi there Spindle..now there's a new point and a valid one....it really is a pest when they move the prog around..if it wasn't for my Sky + I would miss it half the time.LOL I too thought Alan T was very sincere and never sounded condescending like some of these newer presenters. And really I am fed up with all the hard landscaping they keep on doing - with horrid bright blue fences etc...now I have trod on another lot of wellies...oops! Still - I want a prog about plants...as I say - we need two types of prog!!
17 Oct, 2009
That Alys does my nutt in...joe I think is luuurvley and Toby... give or take not fussed... Alan Titchmarsh not seen much of his gardening due to my only recently starting gardening when he had finished gardeners world but from what I have seen...think hes very imformative and loves his work. Loving Carol Klein always so passionate about the plants too. Alys just grates me up the wrong way.grrrr
Hyacinth Buckets husband is joes Dad? wow thinking about it how similar do they look!! VERY!!
x x x
17 Oct, 2009
I agree with you Alzheimer. Also, to continue my rant, I detest the 30 minute makeovers cos they all involve spending money (which I dont have). They usually translate into buying a big pot, lots of new plants, and....wait for it... planting it up. Waste of time. I'm not an expert gardener, but I am an expert TV watcher..lol...and GW just isnt a good programme anymore. Very sad really.
17 Oct, 2009
I must say I never knew he was her dad either ...must look more closely next time!!
17 Oct, 2009
Mookins...I'm with you... now I know Joe is related to Mr Bucket, I'm never gonna be able to take him seriously again..lol.
17 Oct, 2009
Know what you mean Spindle...it's like these wretched house make-overs in an hour ...if you believe it and other progs. And as you say - they are all much of a muchness aren't they...and we really don't need telling every week how to plant up a big trough or whatever!!
17 Oct, 2009
Joe Bucket ..indeed ...it has a certain ring to it...LOL
17 Oct, 2009
Wish this had been a blog rather than a question. I could rant on all day about this subject...lol
17 Oct, 2009
Its BUCKET!!!!....B.U.C.K.E.T
x x
17 Oct, 2009
I agree - I think there would have been a lot more input from other Goyers too if it had been a blog.
17 Oct, 2009
Ahh, poor Joe. Wasnt Joe Bucket the little lad in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory too?
17 Oct, 2009
I being stupid - obviously Joe was Charlie's Grandad....doh!
17 Oct, 2009
Spindle thats funny hehehe
x x x
17 Oct, 2009
17 Oct, 2009
What a great question! We are so different aren't we. Just goes to show there is much truth in the old saying 'You can please some of the people, some of the time, but not all of the people, all of the time.'
I think it is a mix of good and bad. I really like Toby, hate Carol and the student thing, and for me, the Best Gardener competition is a waste of time on this programme.
17 Oct, 2009
Yes, I dont think they spent enough time in each garden and with each gardener. It was really hard to get a proper sense of each garden. They should definitely dedicate more time to each garden - perhaps record the programmes, and show them over the winter?
17 Oct, 2009
Totally agree about the best gardener being a waste of time....their gardens are great ..some greater than others ...but they are NOT instructive and don't really do anything but entertain. I for one sure don't get any bright ideas from any of them.
17 Oct, 2009
I loved the programme 'Christine's Garden' - she had SUCH enthusiasm. And was so good to her mate Reg (was that his name?). I just want to watch enthusiastic gardeners who love what they do. I think this is what is missing from GW recently. Ah well, I'm gonna have to get Sky so I'm not relying on GW. Can you recommend it?
17 Oct, 2009
Yes Spindle I agree - Christine Walkden is fantastic! It was her enthusiasm that made me interested in gardening for the first time. I must admit though, I only watched initially to try and figure out whether she was a he, or vice versa, as I didn't know the programme was called "Christine's Garden" and I just could not figure it out.
Bring back Christine...and Reg!
18 Oct, 2009
Quite agree both....Christine was a one off and she and he - had great down-to-earthiness that you couldn't but enjoy.
I had a feeling I spotted her the other night on a TV prog - can't remember where and I thought then - bring her back...we need the likes of her to liven up GW ..or preferably her own "C's Garden" again.
As for Sky+ yes and no - it certainly has a wide choice and is very convenient but - to get the best range of progs - they fairly know how to charge...eek! I have had a limited Sky+ range for the past 3 years (I don't do Films and Sport - which they plug HARD all the time) and am seriously considering going on to Freesat as you don't pay any monthly subs...just the initial installation and Recorder box. It pays itself within about 3 months and now that it has "live pause" (very handy if the phone rings etc) and FREE HD - then it really is a serious contender...that appeals to my Aberdonianism....LOL
18 Oct, 2009
I have read a book O no I have just read your coments' it seames to me to be about personalits, I like reading about gardening, I see so meny gardens with small scaby apples 'a couple of sickly tomato plants in a grow bag, ' cabbage coverd with caterpilers'rasberries dead with small half ripe berries on them,frute trees with hawthorn hedges over growing them making spraying trees a waste of time, gardining programs should teach not show how clever they are berring dustbins in compost speshaly put there, I will put up with being told what I all ready know, as longe as it helps to stop braking my hart when I viset peoples gardens
18 Oct, 2009
Oh that did make me laugh! Bird or Bloke, that is exactly what I asked my self when I first glanced at CW. She is very enthusiastic and informative Reg's wife clearly wants no part in being seen or recognised, I don't think I have ever seen her!
I would like to see more of the OB's of the curators from the different National Gardens, like Mathew Williamson at Harlow Carr (and more North to quell Alzheimer's request for Scottish interest). Matthew did a great OB about putting logs and moss and ferns next to a wall/shed to introduce more wildlife last year on GW. I have plans for a similar thing. I hope as the new GW garden matures that the format will be able to have more material to work with and to show how things grow and seasonally change.
18 Oct, 2009
Thank you Andrea for the idea of more Scottish interest in GW. As well as the interest side of things - there is also the problem of timing. What one has to remember is - that when you folk south of the border are planting out.....we are still pricking out and potting on!!!! Many of us are all of 6 weeks behind ...and so the content of the progs...although interesting....is not appropriate at the time of viewing.
eg ..There is no way we can - or should - risk hanging out baskets or planting up runner beans until at least June....we can and do still get frosts then. So really GW is a luxury we MAY enjoy - but is seldom relevant - sadly! This is why I say we need more than one type of prog...and as somebody else wisely said - but I will say in different words "Ye canna aye please a'body"
18 Oct, 2009
Dont forget about us folks in Northern Ireland. Would be nice to see some of the beautiful gardens here featured on the programme sometimes too.
18 Oct, 2009
Alzheimer - I'm sure I spotted Christine on the 'One Show' on BBC recently
18 Oct, 2009
You're right Spindle, she pops up on there quite often
18 Oct, 2009
My apologies everyone as it's been a while since I found time to stop by - October/November being my busiest time in the garden - so I've only just seen this post.
My thoughts on Gardener's World?
There is far too much directed towards the first-time gardener and instant results. Mother nature doesn't work like that! And the majority of us are no longer first-timers and want some real information not 'presenter waffle'.
I used to love progs on other gardens but there is so much celebrity presenter and ego to contend nowadays that you get very little from the person who actually created the garden in the first place!
Gardening is NOT rocket science and the best skill anyone can learn is to OBSERVE their garden environment properly and thereby discover the interdependence of everything. So why do these progs twitter needlessly around the edges of the subject?
Now if I became a presenter...... LOL
18 Oct, 2009
You are spot on Spindle....I caught just the tail end of one of those progs the other night...so that is where it was right enough - thanks! She has "brushed up" a treat over the years hasn't she...and is so full of enthusiasm.
I totally agree about your Irish gardens too...you have some truly gorgeous lush ones that are well worth featuring....I would love to visit them myself - but a TV visit would do!!
18 Oct, 2009
Hi MW....now then are you offering??!!
Seriously though - those in charge I feel are NOT gardeners - in the true sense - or they would know what was wanted... or the viewing figures should tell them.
I feel they have lost the plot recently and there is far too much ego polishing going on and not enough REAL gardening.
18 Oct, 2009
I'm not sure its the programme makers' fault, really, they're just trying to fit in with modern society - busy, busy, attention span of a gnat (most people don't even read a whole letter any more, just scan it), poor literacy skills, instant gratification, glamour, appearance and celebrity. I wonder if I'll be around long enough to see that pendulum swing back...
18 Oct, 2009
some time ago I asked what held the record for he most answer's on this site' this one will take some beating, and befor we go off the subject let me say I don't know what you jock's are worrieing about the programs will be all about scotland and the mountins of morn with the globle warming with the north south devide formng the tide line across the middle of cumbrear and yorkshire LOL
18 Oct, 2009
Now then Cliffo..you are being provocative again!!!! If that all happens,mate....you find us all at the top of Ben Wotsit learning how to grow our spuds at altitude!!
Happily - as you say Bamboo...a lot of us will not be around to witness that swinging pendulum. ...and I for one sure hope I'm not...my wheelchair won't last that long for a start LOL
18 Oct, 2009
Oh, I think the instant result thing was the 90's and beginning of the naughties with changing rooms and ground force. That seems to have passed and it is more geared to ecology and environment. I saw Christine Walken on Shooting Stars with Vic and Bob a couple of weeks ago!!
I know what you mean about the timing issues of the programs being 6 weeks previous to what you are doing. I do have the same trouble, I am on the Isle of Wight and can do things sooner than they do on GW, I suppose you have to use the program to forward plan in your case, I can't do that. I can leave bulb planting 3-4 more weeks yet, although Toby said you shouldn't leave non tulip bulbs too much longer. I am putting all of my bulbs in pots this year as I haven't got the time to plant them in the garden, I have 100's of the things!!
18 Oct, 2009
O I don't know I have got my waders ready ,the truble for me is the cod have stoped up north now, soon we will only have angel fish and the like to catch, and I do not fancie angle fish and chips.,ho yes altitude chips,, enough to drive a man to Mc donalds.
18 Oct, 2009
Can't stand Alys, Toby's ok, he does have some good ideas, I really don't like the 'new format', they try to cram too many subjects into too little time, there's not ever a 'project' they follow through. I'm so glad they're not doing the 30 minute fix, that was rubbish, so was the 'what's in and what's out' I love Carol's spot, she's very knowledgeable, I would love to have more of her propagation hints. It's also been dumbed down far too much, I know there are a lot of newbie gardeners out there that want to learn, but there's also a lot of old hands that like to know new things
19 Oct, 2009
Quite agree Grindle....like I say - we need more than one type of gardening prog.. I am sick and tired of being told how to do decking and sticking in a post.....but fully realised that there are others that do need that sort of help. GW is trying to cover far too much and to appeal to too many kinds of gardener....just not possible They need a re-think at the BBC...as usual!
19 Oct, 2009
how about gardeders question time on R4? I find that much more interesting ----a bit like GoY ?---
19 Oct, 2009
I like that, Pamg, when I remember its on - fascinating how 4 different panel members give 4 different solutions to things a lot of the time! No wonder most of us can't be too proscriptive in our answers here;-)
19 Oct, 2009
Absolutely right Bamboo ...as they always say - ask 3 experts how to do something and you will get 3 different answers!!
I rest my case....LOL
I hardly ever listen to the radio nowadays...and guess I miss out on a lot.....now of course I can just "watch GOY" !!!!
19 Oct, 2009
I'm on here so much I've actually got RSI in my wrist of the hand using the mouse all the time...
19 Oct, 2009
....and I get no housework done!!!
I don't have a mouse either ...I am on a laptop - so just have a touch pad ...don't like mice LOL
19 Oct, 2009
Oh yea, I remember housework... vaguely
19 Oct, 2009
mmmm.....housework, I did a bit of that this morning.....only because I couldn't get a Broadband connection! LOL
19 Oct, 2009
I let myself off now - after all, it'll still be there tomorrow...
19 Oct, 2009
It'll be even more worth doing tomorrow...... or the next day.....or the next.....
19 Oct, 2009
Exactly!! Much more satisfying to shift a half inch thick layer of dust rather than just a smattering;-)))
19 Oct, 2009
Quite so .....my mother used to say that if you could write your name in the dust - it just showed that you were educated!!!
19 Oct, 2009
I love GQT - but Bob Flowerdew is a bit too much like Alys in my opinion - he always wants you to do things with old tyres. I love the guy from Northen Ireland and Pippa Greenwood I think her name is. It's such a laugh, and I love to listen to it as a podcast on my ipod, as I garden...Heaven!
19 Oct, 2009
Do things with old tyres? Hmm, conjures up a few images... have you seen the blog showing tyres recycled? Think its called Recycling something or other...
19 Oct, 2009
OH - I had forgotten about Bob F and his tyres. He would approve of my old veg patch right now - which was covered in membrane and bark a couple of years ago....and my then gardener was a lass off a farm who donated four tractor tyres to hold down the membrane ...much to my dismay....so I promptly filled them with good compost and grow some of my courgettes in them now!!!!!
19 Oct, 2009
Filthy Bamboo! I'm shocked :-O
19 Oct, 2009
What? I never said anything, must be your mind, Muddywellie....;-))) But on a serious note, if you haven't already, check out the recycled blog on the list - its a great use of old tyres.
19 Oct, 2009
What's filthy Muddywellies, do you mean Bamboos tyres or her dust?
19 Oct, 2009
Oh lord, I never thought of the dust...;-)))
19 Oct, 2009
I was obviously ONLY referring to the dust!! I will go and look at this blog.....but I'm not convinced!
19 Oct, 2009
19 Oct, 2009
Did you mean the 200 tyres planted with succulents?? I'm sorry to say, that's not my idea of a beautiful garden - but clearly I am not very progressive!
19 Oct, 2009
I've just realised that I may have been a bit outspoken - I don't want to upset anyone, and obviously what I express is only my opinion. I am sure it looks lovely in reality, and I am not a TROLL! I am sure many people think my garden is repulsive and they are of course entitled to do so!
19 Oct, 2009
No, no, Muddywellie, let me just check what the blog was called and who it was by - it was something about Recycling and it starts with two car tyres, complete with wheel centres, and these were turned into a really rather attractive planter by the writer of the blog.
19 Oct, 2009
It was Usernut - go to his home page and select the recycling titled blog - and I am in no doubt you're not a troll!
19 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bamboo. I tried to delete the comment as I really thought I'd been too strong - I will look at usernut's blog shortly! I am reassured that you at least do not think I am a troll ;-)
20 Oct, 2009
who was it who said " I prefer radio because the pictures are better?" ;-)
20 Oct, 2009
Alzheimer - we must all be professors in our house then, if your mother was right...lol. Muddywellie you have given me a good laugh. How could anyone think you are a troll...lol :o)
20 Oct, 2009
Glad I made you laugh Spindle - I was having a bloomin' heart attack thinking I'd been too rude!! :-P
Must go and look at that blog....
20 Oct, 2009
I've seen Usernut's blog Bamboo - now that's just plain clever! Who would have thought an inside out tyre could look that nice?
20 Oct, 2009
Told you it was a worth a look - I think its brilliant, though I prefer the au naturel version rather than the spray painted job
20 Oct, 2009
Yes I agree the pink was a bit too reminiscent of that Elephant outisde the shopping centre in Elephant & Castle - there's a nice South London reference for you!
20 Oct, 2009
I'd forgotten all about the pink elephant...
20 Oct, 2009
Personally - I still find that a lot of it is geared very much to you folk south of Hadrian's Wall!! Now that is OK in that the bulk of the population does live there - but they are inclined to assume that there is little gardening done north of Harlow Carr.
I know - this is an old gripe and maybe not entirely relevant to your query - but we do feel a bit deprived up here and/or patronised. Now I wait to be shot down in flames!!
17 Oct, 2009