Will African Sunset over winter outside?
By Pepperpots
United Kingdom
I live 8 miles inland from Aberystwyth with an exposed south facing garden. At the moment my plant is in a container on the patio and looking fantastic....will it overwinter out there?
On plant
19 Oct, 2009
I have just been reading up on it on vairous sites, acording the it dose not even grow hear, it only grows in zones 9a/9b/10a and 10b'temptures ranging from20 degres to35,so you have dun well'I am not realy in to flowers but that looks lovly,a few facts, other names are clock vine black eyed susan vine and dolls shews, and humming birds love it, it grows to 20 feet, you wont want that indoors, coulors red/ orange/ red-orange/ bright yellow. grown in tropical gardens, were first named after Mysore in sothern India, all the right in's about it were from the yanks, no doubt Bamboo will understand all that , I am afraid that I am out of my leage.
19 Oct, 2009
It does grow here, Cliffo - but only in the summer, which is why it's an annual over here. In hotter countries, its perennial.
19 Oct, 2009
yes I admit I have a longe way to go on flowers,but it is the new chalange that gives me the intrest, I used to grow a few flowers near to the house for her indoors, but now I am on a learning curve for fruit and flowers, chow'
19 Oct, 2009
The only Thunbergia that's hardy is T. alata, and even that is usually grown as an annual, so the chances yours will survive the winter outside are slim. You could try giving it protection with fleece over the pot and wrapped round the base of the plant, if you want to give it a shot.
19 Oct, 2009