Does a Fig lose its leaves in winter.
By Faeriefay
United Kingdom
I have a new fig and was wondering does it lose its leaves in winter, the leaves at the moment are turning yellow, or does this mean it is lacking in something.
24 Oct, 2009
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Lovely, thanks for the reply. Ahhhhh Figlets they sound cute !!
24 Oct, 2009
They do lose some leaves in winter as the light levels drop. Yellowing leaves usually indicate too much water or too little water. Moving them around from place to place can do this too.
Mine stands about 18" away from the window on top of a tall floor standing hi-fi speaker. It gets watered every two to three weeks and has lots of leaves.
24 Oct, 2009
I think the last answer probably refers to an indoor fig, rather than your Ficus carica, Faerifay!
24 Oct, 2009
Yes, mines an indoor fig, Ficus bangladensis.
25 Oct, 2009
Yes mine is an outdoor fig, Brown Turkey. never actuallly eaten a fig so looking forward to some friut from it.
25 Oct, 2009
Lucky you, they're delicious - need good sun to ripen them though, so hope you have it in a sunny spot!
25 Oct, 2009
Yes in a sunny spot, south facing garden, in fact gets to hot sometimes :-)
25 Oct, 2009
Yup it does, but the" figlets" will stay on.
24 Oct, 2009