What do cosmos seeds look like please
By Cosmo
Mauckport Indiana,
United States
I have all these cosmos but I don't know what the seeds look like
25 Oct, 2009
I think I understand what you mean, all flowers have seed but some are soooo small and often part of some fluffy stuff to carry it on the wind. I don't know what Cosmos seed looks like but if you want to sow some, when the centre of the flower is dry, I'd lust sprinkle the whole thing on the soil.
26 Oct, 2009
they are about 1cm long beige and feel like woody strips. they are slightly curved with a flattish end where it came from the plant. when the flower head is finished flowering you will find them coming from the centre of the flower. make sure you let the flower die back and dry off or you wont have much success. try googling an image of them 'type in cosmos seed and click images.
welcome to GOY too :o)
26 Oct, 2009
the seed site (again use google to find) has pictures of many seeds and seedlings that I find very useful. Apologies but I still cant put working links on here!
26 Oct, 2009
Seaburngirl is quite right. Cosmos seeds don't come in a pod, they are green after the flower petals die off, but once they are mature and ready to be harvested you will see that they kind of 'fan out' and go dark in colour, either beige or black or striped. They need to ripen before the first frost tho, otherwise they'll be no good.
26 Oct, 2009
So do they look a bit like caraway seeds, Seaburn? I haven't grown Cosmos for so many years, I've forgotten what the seed looked like
26 Oct, 2009
I bit like caraway seeds Bamboo but a little more curved, darker and they can be quite sharp at the ends too. I speak from experience about the sharpness. I've had them stuck in my fingers many times. LOL
26 Oct, 2009
Wonder how they got their name?
26 Oct, 2009
Cosmos, or caraway, Heron? Cosmos and Cosmea mean beautiful (of flowers)
26 Oct, 2009
Cosmic ;-)
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks flower !!!
27 Oct, 2009
lol, Sid and Heron;-)
27 Oct, 2009
Not sure what you're asking, but I think you may be wanting to know where you will find the seed on the plant? If seed is made, it's usually where the flowers were, often in some kind of pod or similar.
25 Oct, 2009