By Valadel
United Kingdom
Some time ago I asked about Gaura seedlings that had just popped up in my garden, there were two pink ones, so-------------- I potted one up and guess what it did'nt like it and promptly died!!!
My question now is, do I try to dig the other one up or leave it and hope it survives the winter? ( the mother plant did not!)
26 Oct, 2009
You can buy them at GCs quite cheaply. They have a ventilation hole at the top, which you can have open or closed.
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bamboo, will give it some thought, do you think I should cut it back? its got about six stems of various heights.
Some would think why bother but its my baby and I love it!
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Spritz, will have a look.
26 Oct, 2009
I wouldn't cut it at all, if its possible to avoid it and still cover it. Thanks for that info, Spritz, I had no idea! Let's hope they're tall enough for your plant, Valadel.
26 Oct, 2009
I read somewhere that they are very hardy but hate the cold/wet. Could you carefully lift it with plenty of soil and overwintewr it in your GH ?
27 Oct, 2009
My Gauras normally come through the winter fine - but it depends where you are, I suppose.
27 Oct, 2009
In the past I've lost two but I may try again in a well drained place.
27 Oct, 2009
Mine get lifted, trimmed back a little, and spend the winter in the cold greenhouse.
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks all! Mmmmmmmm!
What to do ? what a dilema!
Am reluctant to try and dig upafter the last one failed and as I do not have a G H (only the garage )., seems like I'm gonna take a chance and hope for the best.
I will buy some sort of cover if it gets really cold and wet, but at the rate the weather is going down here might be no need! ( If mother nature heard that she'll send snow next week) LOL.
27 Oct, 2009
Hmm, don't forget November, Valadel, and what a pig that can be - fog, damp, frost, ice, then the usual cold wet of December, followed by crispy January and February can be the nastiest month of all...
27 Oct, 2009
Ooooooh don't!!!!!
27 Oct, 2009
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Tough one, Valadel - what you need is the equivalent of a victorian belljar to pop over it when the weather's particularly cold. Got anything you can press into service (better if there's a small ventilation hole too)? A clear plastic container of some kind, open at one end, old fishtank (that's all I can think of!)
26 Oct, 2009