By Davidgooch
clacton / essex,
United Kingdom
i have recently brought a dracunculus vulgaris bulb but no advice with it . please can u tell me when to plant it , if best in a pot or garden , how deep down and the type of soil / compost required .please if u can help . david
29 Oct, 2009
I had one of these plants & agree with Bamboo.
Mine was in a pot, so that I could move it close too the house for the winter, but the combination of cold & wet was too much last winter & the bulbs turned to mush, so I would recomend a cloche or unheated greenhouse for the winter now.
Enjoy the aroma!!!!
30 Oct, 2009
Don't forget these really smell when they open to attract flies to pollinate them. Don't plant them too close to the house. I have left mine in the ground this year, I'll have to see if they come up again. I originally planted mine about now in gritty compost, I kept them in the greenhouse and I left them dry until the Spring.
30 Oct, 2009
Should be planted in spring in well drained soil, needs sun - thereafter, in colder areas, some protection during winter, such as a mulch or cloche or similar, is advisable, but not necessary in the south or west of the country, usually.
29 Oct, 2009