By Sunshines
United Kingdom
hi to all have to ask question again spelt it wrong last time } can you over winter marguerites in a shed if so do you have to cut it down many thanks
2 Nov, 2009
hi moon grower thanks for reply
2 Nov, 2009
Marguerite daisies are tender, so it's a bit hit and miss to leave them out, they may well die outside over winter. I used to cut mine right back and keep them in an unheated room, near the window, during the winter, watering probably once during that time, then repot in early March, move to a warmer position and start feeding and watering ready for placing outside during summer. If you have a greenhouse, then you could store them there.
2 Nov, 2009
hi bamboo thanks for that its already in a pot so i will put it in the shed near the window manythanks
2 Nov, 2009
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Leave them in the garden simply cut down once they are dying back.
2 Nov, 2009