By Flamingolegs
United Kingdom
We have loads of leaves in our garden and was wondering if I can mulch them and use them with spent compost to reuse in containers for the spring
2 Nov, 2009
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Bulbaholic is out right now hoovering up all the ones that came off our trees overnight... He has a leaf bin they all go into two years from now they will become part of our potting compost.
2 Nov, 2009
a seprat open bin or enclosurs is ideal and it is worth wating for.
2 Nov, 2009
I think this subject has been brought up just recently, I cannot remember who though, and it was said the plastic bag with holes in is the way to mulch leaves, it does take a while and it is worth the wait.
2 Nov, 2009
It was Spritzhenry s blog Bobg. Yes you can use to mulch or just sprinkle on top, as nature does, which if I have a plant needs protection too, I just cover with leaves. If you have an open space spare just leave in a heap and then it produces lovely soil, I myself have done all.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks everyone I have been on Spritzs blog but someone told me you can only use it on the open garden because they have too much acid I have some I did last year and because I only use containers and compost from garden centres I wondered if it would be of any use to mix
2 Nov, 2009
I used mine for potting up my strawberries and have had a brilliant crop from them.
2 Nov, 2009
Flamingolegs you can most certainly use on potting compost. We do so all the time... Mr MB gets very upset it we run out during the year. Leaving for two years ensure they are not too acidic.
2 Nov, 2009
Hi all, i do put mine in the compost bin, but i keep them in a bag and feed them in bit by bit so they are not all going in at the same time, i have found this works really well, i have also tried the black bag with holes in i found they were good enough for mulch the following year.... p.s i have a lot of acidic plants anyway...
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all the info from you all O now know what to do
5 Nov, 2009
Been a lot of discussion on here on this lately.Not a good idea to put in compost heaps as that gets hot and leaves need cold to decompose.
You can collect and bag them up in a plastic (make holes) or hessian bags and leave them to turn into a lovely rich mulch takes 1-2 years though. It seems lots of us collect them this way and its often referred to as liquid gold.
2 Nov, 2009