By Leah95
United Kingdom
my aunty has a passion for fruit and vegetables.what fruit and vegetables can i give her to grow in her garden.
On plant
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Leah not a lot right now to be honest. Broad beans, hardy peas, garlic, onion sets if you live in a mild part of the country, spring cabbage seedling - if you can find any.
The majority of veg are started in early spring.
Now is a good time though to buy raspberry canes and other cane fruits.
Check out my blogs there is a lot of info on growing veg in them.
2 Nov, 2009
Shallots or garlic could go in now, but Spring would be a better time for anything else.
2 Nov, 2009
Leah take a look at this info from Garden Organic tells you what to do when
2 Nov, 2009
Do you know what she likes to eat? If she's a big salad person, or likes big chunky winter caseroles, that might give you a clue!! Is this for an xmas prezzie I wonder?
2 Nov, 2009
If its a xmas present you could give her garden gift vouchers to use later, or find out if she needs compost?
2 Nov, 2009
2 Nov, 2009
origin hebrew (weary) you should see what my name means (no you shouldent)
3 Nov, 2009
I was hoping to get Leah to answer us Cliffo.
3 Nov, 2009
I knew you meant that MG frustrating when we get no response?
3 Nov, 2009
Yes, very... Leah unless you give us more info we can't help you.
3 Nov, 2009
Give her a chance - she only posted the question yesterday! LOL
3 Nov, 2009
Point taken Sid
3 Nov, 2009
any one got half an hour to give this geniours person a list,
2 Nov, 2009