By Notty1st
United Kingdom
I am looking for plants that attract butterflies to my garden and also a plant or plants to grow on an arch.
Thanking you
2 Nov, 2009
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plants to attract bees and butterflies
Echinacea flowers later in the Summer and is covered on butterfles and bees.
2 Nov, 2009
Sedum Autumn Joy is a great favourite for Red Admirals, and the butterfly bush Cliffo refers to is, of course, Buddleia - plant it in a sunny spot, you get more butterflies if the flowers are in sun.
2 Nov, 2009
Buddleia is one of the best.
So too are Hebe, Lavender, Lilac.
Try these perennials too because they're fantastic - Scabiosa, Erigeron, Sedum, Thyme and Sage.
Plant these things in the sun because they attract the butterflies more than when the plant's in the shade.
2 Nov, 2009
to my resque agine Bamboo thanks love
2 Nov, 2009
Verbena bonariensis is a good choice too. I've also had butterflies on red valerian (the painted ladies were all over it earlier in the year) and oregano.
2 Nov, 2009
I counted 14 painted lady butterflies at one go on my sweet rocket, which is a short-lived perennial, about 3 years, but seeds itself. The other big hits in my garden have been the buddleia, verbena bonariensis and michaelmas daisies. I saw 2 painted ladies and a peacock on the verbena this morning, which was a surprise after yesterday's gales and rain!
2 Nov, 2009
Anything with large yellow daisies such as Inula magnifica are really good.
2 Nov, 2009
single flower forms are better rather than the showier double forms. the knapweeds are also worth having too.
2 Nov, 2009
Plant nectar-rich plants, herbs and wildflowers, Tropaeolum nasturtium, Thyme, Marjoram, Cornflower, French marigold, Honeysuckle and Asters are some.
Plant as many as possible in sunny areas with at least 1 Buddleia.
Because I wish to attract butterflies and other widllife I avoid the use of pesticides as much as I can.
Forgot oxeyed daisies.
2 Nov, 2009
Ideas for an arch are Clematis (so many varieties you can get of this plant), Climbing Roses,Honeysuckle, passion flower, sweet peas.
I hope these give you a few ideas
4 Feb, 2010
Blazing stars Liatris spicata blue which is a perennial. Butterflies and bees love it I have just bought 8 in the pound shop!!!
12 Apr, 2010
In my garden four things are certain to attract butterflies.
1. the buddlia (butterfly bush, mentioned earlier)
2. golden marjoram
3. mints. just leave a few stems grow and flower
4. fruit. I allow 1 or 2 of my pears to perish on the ground, the butterflies seem to be attracted to the natural sugars and moisture as the pear rots. This is much the same as you find in zoo's and butterfly house etc, where you will see that staff have placed some cut up banana, orange etc.
Arch; roses, grapes, passion flower, clematis are just a few to think about.
5 Jul, 2011
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Hi Notty, buddlerii is verrygood for what you want the common name is butterfly bush , but I think even better is sedum,
2 Nov, 2009