Please can anyone tell me
By Afban
United Kingdom
Leucojum aestivum
Please can anyone tell me, are Leucojum aestivum (summer snowflake) self seeding or do they simply multiply from their bulbs?
Thank you
On plant
Leucojum aestivum

8 Nov, 2009
Featured on:
flower bulbs
spring bulbs
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! that's a real help. Cheers. Al
8 Nov, 2009
I have grown almost every Leucojum (most now renamed Acis) from seed with no trouble at all. Why not collect the seeds and sow in deep pots to increase your numbers. Yes they take a few years to flower, but if you sow some every year, once they do begin you have some more for the subsequent years too.
8 Nov, 2009
Thank you Owdboggy, great tips, I will do! Congratulations on your successes. Cheers, Al
8 Nov, 2009
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MULTIPLY BY BULBS, BUT THE SEEDS MAY GERMINATE, BUT THEY WONT REACH FLOWERING size for 3+ years and are more likely to be weeded out thinking they were a grass!
Oops with the capitals!
8 Nov, 2009