By Wagger
United Kingdom
Why am I continually assaulted on my home page by an advertisement to 'cut down 3lbs of your belly every week'? Are they trying to tell me something?

8 Nov, 2009
LOL....ha ha ha hee hee hee.....Oh, poor puss....I'm sure the advertising is just coincedence. LOL..... :oD
8 Nov, 2009
LOL Perhaps its because they know youre the cat that got the cream !!
8 Nov, 2009
Lol BB, Lol its the cat with the mid drift bulge remiinds me of that advert years ago Phillisan for the over forties he he he
8 Nov, 2009
Crikey oh Riley....he's a big
8 Nov, 2009
is yours just for 3 lbs mine is for 5 or 7 ! sadly i have no photo to top your puss.
brilliant made me laugh out loud.
8 Nov, 2009
Yes, just 3lbs, Sbg, don't think I could manage 5 let alone 7, LOL.
8 Nov, 2009
Poor puss how could anyone let their pet get like that !!
Mine says 3lb as well.Wish she'd put something on - making me shiver lol.
8 Nov, 2009
I agree it does have its sad side, Aster.
8 Nov, 2009
Its because they know you're
25 Apr, 2010
Look at my Avotar, Stevie - slim and svelte. ;-))
25 Apr, 2010
Oh Mrs. Slocombe can I stoke your *&^%%$$, ok enough, but just look at mine how can this incredibly handsome guy still be single...(no answers pls ; )
26 Apr, 2010
If you don't want the answers you shouldn't ask the questions! I can't possible imagine what you wanted to 'stoke'. lol - and '*&^%%$$' with language like that it's no surprise you're still single! ;-)))
26 Apr, 2010
Ha Ha>)
8 Nov, 2009