By Cordyangel
United Kingdom
I have sevral new 12 to 14 inch baby cordylines on the mamma plant how do i get them off without killing them .
Thank you
9 Nov, 2009
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you can put them in a pot still atached to the parent plant not buried but worth putting a stone on can leave them like this for quite a long time and they would have more chance of surviving the longer you leave them.they get more independent the longer you leave bamboo can start any young shoot of this way on a lot of climbers.
10 Nov, 2009
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Very sharp knife, prune them off with a piece of root from the base if you can - if they're growing higher up the stem, and you can't take some root, you can either just leave to grow as part of the parent, or remove them. I'd be inclined to wait till spring, though - easier to grow on the young plants when there's more light and it's the growing season.
9 Nov, 2009