By Ashill
United Kingdom
my lawn is very patchy has been scaified and fed but has yellow strips and patches all over is also not growing very well in these areas. we know it is not leather jackets
17 Nov, 2009
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lawn care
I wonder if it could be fungal? Also dog pee can have this effect.
17 Nov, 2009
A photo would be good, any chance of one? If you've recently scarified it, then it will look awful, and as the winter's here now, it won't grow that fast. I hope you didn't feed it past the end of September either - it won't do any good on the lawn then. If you can post a pic, then I might be able to tell you more.
17 Nov, 2009
Also letting it grow long and then cutting it too short......just thinking aloud here....
17 Nov, 2009
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have you got laylandi growing near it ?
17 Nov, 2009