Are sorbus reductus berries just as attractive to birds as full size rowan berries?
On plant
Sorbus reducta
18 Nov, 2009
from the point of view of the plants evolution then I'd say yes. Perhaps not here so much but where they are native then the bird life would be expecting them.
some birds have a preference, i suppose like us. red or green apple? green for me given a choice.
18 Nov, 2009
Certainly something ate the ones off my S. reducta..............eventually.
18 Nov, 2009
They probably are as attractive tobirds but as S. reducta is so short the birds tend to go for the taller trees first.
18 Nov, 2009
dummaks must like them then BA lol
18 Nov, 2009
what are dummaks?
18 Nov, 2009
18 Nov, 2009
or does he mean dunnocks ie hegde sparrows?
18 Nov, 2009
I think dunnocks! But they don' touch ours which are all now sitting on the ground - the berries of that is :-)
18 Nov, 2009
I've not noticed them high up either mg. suppose thats why they are hedge sparrows and not tree sparrows. :o)
18 Nov, 2009
I am sure that a serious birder on here can correct what I am saying, but hedge sparrows are not really sparrows at all. Look at their beaks. House and tree sparrows have heavy, seed eater beaks whilst the hedge sparrow has a thin, insect eater beak.
19 Nov, 2009
you are right , they are different families. the dunnock is the genus Prunella. Sparrows are in the genus Passer [montanus] i think is the species name.
strange as there is a Prunella in the plant kingdom too.
19 Nov, 2009
SBG you are right with the spelling but wrong with the bird the dunnock is a shy bird of the sparrow family, whose feeding stile is under the headge,un like a hedge sparrow, BH you are corect infact they and a lot of other birds throughout the world come under one heading finches, read a little Darwin, it was they that set him thinking, good morning every one I cincerly hope you all managed to work out what I said, lol by the way just being english for a moment how's the weather with you nice hear at the moment.
19 Nov, 2009
I have a Dunnock in this garden in winter.
They are indeed very shy little birds who constantly flick their wings which always gives them a kind of 'nervous' look !
My little one is always in the back garden, always darts in and out of the shrubs and is very, very difficult to see (and easy to miss).
19 Nov, 2009
well i have double checked, this time on the RSPB site and the sparrows are of the family Passeridae and dunnocks of the family Accentors [Prunellidae.] finches belong to the family different family to the others too.
so they may look similar but they are not in the same family. they are lovely little birds though. we get quite a lot in the garden too.
19 Nov, 2009
sorbus reducta' dwarf chinese rowan berries start off white turning to rose pink wereas our native rowan has red berries , and as birds seem to be attracted to red berries 'a considerd NO
18 Nov, 2009