United Kingdom
what is it called when the wind blows a seed from one plant from anouther
18 Nov, 2009
If you mean the pollen, it is called wind pollinated
18 Nov, 2009
Again, this sounds just like an examination question !
18 Nov, 2009
flowers are pollinated mainly in two ways, either by insects as they gather nector or by the wind blowing the pollen from one flower to another, there are other ways like man or woman better say that useing a feather or soft brush ,some flowers in some countries even use anamals, hope you do well , and I hope someone shows you how to studdy insted of leting us do your work for you if you are a student good luck
18 Nov, 2009
but if you dont know an answer dont you ask a teacher or a parent or people who know things, the question.
study skills are very difficult to learn, trust me, my eldest has just gone through GCSE's
isnt this what we do all the time when someone posts a question. ie answer it.
we dont object to answering 'when/how do i prune my roses?'
this doesnt sound like an exam question as the guest says seeds not pollen.
18 Nov, 2009
For a worrying moment I thought Cliffo was going to explain 'the birds and bees' (S)
18 Nov, 2009
Heron I have forgoten more about ,,,,,,,,hay ive forgoton, sbg I have don some teaching in a skill center and I longe ago thort that befor you ask a student to study they should be taught how to study, how to use the libery ect ect
18 Nov, 2009
by the way guest you must guest that they are all mad on this site , but im' im' im'im'im'allright
18 Nov, 2009
The student questions dont bother me, I wish I had something like this when I did my degree.
18 Nov, 2009
May I ask a question Cliffo and i hope you are not offended....
If you have done some teaching why are there so many errors in the typing /spelling of your responses.
dont forget today the internet is their 'library' like it or lump it. The net tends to be their first port of call with books a very poor second place.
Birds and the bees......... that I would like to see :o)))
18 Nov, 2009
Dont we all use the net for information and to learn I know I do.
18 Nov, 2009
Cliffo, you have a point about 'study' A long time ago I heard a teacher from 'Oxbridge' say; we don't teach them anything, we give them the tools to teach themselves.
18 Nov, 2009
well exactly that was my point I suppose. certainly my girls turn to the web before anything else. they also have realised just coz it is out there doesnt mean it is correct. so they then check more than one source. not a skill many kids had when using books!
18 Nov, 2009
Seaburngirl, I agree about books. I hope they never come second to the internet, it's early days yet, the internet is only 20 yrs old.
18 Nov, 2009
Yes - thats why I wish I had it years ago. Studying from books as students if at night we got it wrong or couldnt follow it who did we go to?
18 Nov, 2009
i went to the offlicence for a bottle of cider :o) it always looked better then :o)))
but there is some rubbish on the net, you have to be so careful with validity of details.
18 Nov, 2009
Perhaps thats why they ask GOY SBG?
18 Nov, 2009
well i wouldnt be surprised. at least we have the experience of growing the plants. even if we dont always agree or the response.
18 Nov, 2009
SGB I am not in the least offended
, my daughter onced asked how I had got a degree in socicecology, not being able to spell (she had one in english) I will answer you as I answerd her idelness I canot be botherd I just let it flow , I can do it if I have too, I not only taught I was and am still registerd a national asser for the CITB and the training manuals that I wrote are still used by all the training places in the north west, I love gardning and feal very relaxted talking about it, if my spelling or the way I explaine things cause people to laugh or think I am a bit on the slow side it would amuse me, so be ashored I am in no way ofended, but I did not enjoy blowing my trumpet
18 Nov, 2009
Cliffo - the snag for me is that, whilst I recognise you have a lot of knowledge, when your posts are so difficult to read due to your choosing not to worry about your typing I sometimes simply ignore them...
I think we need to remember that for many members of GoY English is not their first language so if they have to translate one of your mangled replies then hey may well just not bother to!
Cliffo this isn't a judgement on you, all of us really do need to take the time to ensure that we have written something that is intelligible! Seems I'm lucky 'cause a Mac computer even spell checks web postings! Otherwise you'd be trying to translate my mumblings too!
18 Nov, 2009
I know what you mean about 'relaxing' after a day of having to be 'correct' it is nice just to let things slide. But I had a very dear uncle who used to say 'how you present your self should never be below your high personal standards'. So when I relax i can hear his words gently chiding me for it. :o)))))
He wasnt the leek grower by the way that was one of my dads brothers.
18 Nov, 2009
I have a spell checker on my pc but it is american so I tend to forget it as they do not spell as we do, then being so good on a computer after a while I forget how to use it I could put photoes on once but I have forgoten how to do it but with respect MG there are worse than me on the site but I respect what they say not the way they say it or spell it,I am begining to wonder if I am a little to strate for some people.
18 Nov, 2009
It takes all sorts Cliffo, we can help you with photos if you try using the spell checker dont mind a bit of american spelling Centre is Center after all?
18 Nov, 2009
yes your uncle had a good point but mine is not a day or a week, I taught in the guards at 19 and there lives and the lives of there comrades depended on people like me doing my job right and up until I retired I had responcibilty to other people not to let my standards drop '' now I think what the hell by the way MG I'm Welsh
18 Nov, 2009
and i dont blame you at all cliffo. there are times when I think what the hell. cant voice it though ... young kiddies!
18 Nov, 2009
oh dear Cliffo, I wish you hadnt said that..........!!!.
I think we should try on a site like this to write correctly,
I agree with Seaburngirl.
18 Nov, 2009
Time to close this dialogue??/
18 Nov, 2009
Cliffo no-one is trying to judge you, at least I'm not, I am simply suggesting that as we have a large group of members for whom English is not their native tongue we all need to make the effort to spell check what we write.
English is not an easy as a second language and if it has mangled spelling this makes it far worse. At least one person on GoY takes answers and puts them into an universal translator to read in their language... I wonder what they get from your posts Cliffo?
All I am suggesting is use a spell checker before posting!
18 Nov, 2009
well I'm off to bed now as if i dont hubby will confiscate laptop :o(
he is a grumpy old dear. but i suppose he does have to be up at 6.
yes Drc726 I dont wish to offend. night night all
18 Nov, 2009
Rachelsmum,even if we spoke our own lanuage you and me would not understand each other, you come from a diferent country than me , I am a noth Wales person, were we speak with gramer' lol
19 Nov, 2009
Guest, have we been of help ?
Why don't you tell us about your garden ?
19 Nov, 2009
morning all, yes good point Louise. ask if you would like more help. :o)
19 Nov, 2009
when i get time i will do a blog on education,next week proberly,then you can agree or disagree or learn or teach me , in the mean time sorry gust for taking your space , but I think you had some very good answer's
19 Nov, 2009
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windy.. 8)
18 Nov, 2009