By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
Late November, but what is unexpectedly still flowering in your garden?
Usually by this time of year, there isn't a summer flowering plant still going in my Derbyshire garden, but it is still a mass of colour!
My Begonia semperflorens are flowering their socks off in beds, baskets and troughs.I also have Bacopa, a few marigolds, Scabious, Hypericum, roses, Verbena, Agastache, Antirrhinums and Marguerites. All to pretty to clear away.
28 Nov, 2009
Same here weedpatch and i'm also in Derbyshire. aren't we lucky ?
28 Nov, 2009
My new bed has lots of plants all flowering still! Anthemis tinctoria, Persicaria, a Dianthus or three, Gazanias, Gaura, Salvia greggii and other shrubby ones and that Scabiosa 'Barocca' has proved to be a gem! I also have Aster x frikartii 'Monch', with Scabiosa 'Blue Butterfly' still going strong.
28 Nov, 2009
Nasturtiums, Californian poppies, Roses, Nicotinia, Hollyhocks , Dahlias and I picked my last strawberry last week. The warm weather has delayed me from putting the garden to bed for the winter but quite a drop in temperature this weekend so I think it will all be over soon
28 Nov, 2009
I have salvia newby hall in full flower. as well as dahlia, nigella, fuchsia and chrysanths [naturally at this time of year]
28 Nov, 2009
Funny that I was going to ask a question about two lovely Bacopas I have in pots blooming their little heads off here in the south West. Have not the heart to pull them up, do you think they would be worth saving ? ie put in a sheltered spot !
28 Nov, 2009
I've put a pot of Gazanias in the greenhouse to see if they'll make it through the winter. Give it a try! You're not losing anything, are you?
28 Nov, 2009
Yep, you're right Spritz., not got a greenhouse but will put in garage if frost threatens. Thanks.
28 Nov, 2009
I've got some flowers (and buds) on my Myrtle. I cut it back loads last winter as it had really outgrown the space and it was either that or take it out altogether. I guess that delayed the flowering way past its usual time. Apart from that, a borage plant has started to flower which I sowed earlier in the year.
29 Nov, 2009
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Gosh they are late, Agastache, Scabious, mine finished weeks ago. It is a dilemma not wanting to clear them out for winter. I clear relatively early as I hate doing it when the soil is cold wet and sticky.
28 Nov, 2009