United Kingdom
I have an idea to plant a border dominated by "holly-leaved" plants such as Mahonia, Desfontainia and Osmanthus. Apart from these and the already planted Quercus Ilex does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks in advance
2 Dec, 2009
Osmanthus ilicifolia(heterophylla these days). Indeed look out for any plant with the name 'ilicifolia' as that means 'with holly like leaves.'
2 Dec, 2009
Have you looked at all the different varieties of Ilex? Variegated, prickly, non-prickly, big leaves, small leaves, berries, no berries.....loads to choose from.
2 Dec, 2009
There's also itea ilicifolia with long catkin flowers in summer
2 Dec, 2009
Olearea macrodonta is a good one too.
Reminds me, I must get some cuttings of the huge Desfontainea at work!
2 Dec, 2009
or even Olearia!
3 Dec, 2009
It will make a nice and unusual border. Remember that 'holly' leaves are prickley so weeding and tidying will be more challenging.
3 Dec, 2009
Check out Berberis varieties, such a B. darwinii - very small leaves, but definitely holly like
2 Dec, 2009