United Kingdom
Is there a Rose called Maureen
4 Dec, 2009
may I surjest you send for fryer's caterlog at www.fryers.co.uk he dose not have one in his caterlog but there may be somthing making a surjestion that might help if not ring him you never know whot he has tucked away,the caterlog only covers his latest roses ,he is one of the countrys top rose growers, but he will take the time to talk to you and if he carn't help no one can.
4 Dec, 2009
Otherwise. go to the RHS website, and to the 'Plant finder'. Type in 'Maureen' and you'll get a list of plants with that name. There isn't a rose listed, but there are 11 typs of plant - one of them might appeal?
www.rhs.org.uk is the website.
4 Dec, 2009
yes I surpose any rose that frier brings out must be registerd with them, unless it is like paint each firm has it's own name for the same colour , but all the basic colours have the same number,if I have confused anyone I will be glad to explain ,about the paint that is''
4 Dec, 2009
If its you on the internet ? you seem to have tried everywhere to find a rose called Maureen, so sorry as I couldnt find one either. However there is a Geranium Stardom Maureen, also the The Vernon Geranium Nursery(google) have a Maureen Geranium if that helps?
4 Dec, 2009