Thanks for the response, I think i will keep the hedge in place as it does provide some Privacy for the front bedroom's, now i need to figure out how do i start to dig up my Lawn and start doing a beautiful garden from highest to lowest what do u all recc
By Lovecolors
Im just wondering as I have some gardens & hedges already in place, where do we start? Do anyone recommend using the hedges as my backdrop & build up the front garden from there?
4 Jan, 2013
First of all, do you like the hedges?
4 Jan, 2013
when I moved here I looked at what there was, what I liked/disliked and what I could afford to spend. I ended up using the shrubs and trees as the skeleton of my garden and then planted what I wanted. As time has gone on I have removed those that have out lived their space or my liking of them. Replacing them with my idea of what i want in my garden.
Hedges provide shelter for other plants so this is a consideration if your site is exposed.
4 Jan, 2013
It was mentioned recently on here that gardens are always works in progress - there's nothing to stop you pulling bushes and plants up at a later stage if you decide you don't like them or don't need them. HOWEVER, there's a school of thought that says you should live with a new garden for 12 months to see exactly what you have in there, THEN start making decisions about what goes and what stays.
4 Jan, 2013
I would agree with Gattina, unless there is a large expanse of grass you know you don't want live with the existing garden for a year to see what emerges. Then start to shape it to what you want. If you like the hedges and shrubs keep them, if not don't.
4 Jan, 2013
Keep looking at all the wonderful garden photos on Goy !
5 Jan, 2013
Over here the hedges, especially native ones provide food and nest sites for wild birds and the insects they feed on as well as the reasons given above, so I,m with the wait and plan folk, look at what other people near you grow as well its often a good indication
5 Jan, 2013
What exactly is it that you are trying to do Lovecolors?
4 Jan, 2013